Chapter 2: A Clan Life?...

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The throbbing pain of his head and the aching all over along with the smell of blood awoke poor Brown'Kit.

He was barely able to lift his head at first but the he slowly felt in control of himself. He managed to look around only to see the gory sight of his friends, their mother, and his own mother drenched in blood and passed out on the thunderpath.

After about ten minutes Brown'Kit realized what happened and manged to get up. Without him realizing he walked over to his friend, Pumpkin'Kit. He nudged her awake. Her eyes slowly fluddered open.

"What happened?.... Where are we?... Wait....." Pumpkin'Kit said as the reality of the situation sunk in.

"We need to get help.." Brown'Kit managed to say, meanwhile Pumpkin'Kit got up and dragged herself to Hallow'Kit's side. Brown'Kit followed her.

Pumpkin'Kit's expression changes from almost in tears to relief when her sister moved. Hallow'Kit was surprisingly quick to get on her feet and race to Spice'Kit's side. Spice'Kit had her head up already and had raced to both of their mothers.

Spice'Kit was crying because neither molly moved. Hallow'Kit was next to her weeping. Brown'Kit and Pumpkin'Kit walked over and dragged Hallow'Kit and Spice'Kit away to the side of the road as a large monster with a very loud noise raced by nearly hitting them.

After an hour of weeping the four lone survivors left to find help or anything they could find. Soon into their journey Hallow'Kit noticed that there was some paw prints in the soft soil.

"Look guys." Hallow'Kit said, lacking enthusiasm, while pointing to some paw prints.

"Finally. Paw prints means there's a clan nearby that can help us!" Pumpkin'Kit said, following the large prints.  Brown'Kit raced, at about a trot, after her. Spice'Kit was soon to follow the three kits.

After about a few hours of following the paw prints they came upon a marshy swamp across a thunderpath. Because of the events earlier the kits were terrified of the path in front of them. Brown'Kit noticed a weird and unusual hole under the path.

"Hallow'Kit, look there's another way to cross this murder road." Brown'Kit stated, nudging Hallow'Kit while pointing.

Spice'Kit, who had seen where Brown'Kit was pointing, raced under the path. Pumpkin'Kit trotted after, while Brown'Kit and Hallow'Kit were following. The path was short and covered in garbage and boxes. The kits were used to this look so they thought nothing of it.

As they emerged, a Shadow Clan cat confronted them. She went by the name of Fused'Fur. The kits were bloody and dirty so Fused'Fur thought they were kits from another clan who were lost.

"Come on, Dreamy'Night will fix you up." Fused'Fur said, gesturing for the kits to follow her.

The kits followed her a short distance through the marshy swamp before Fused'Fur asked, "Now what clan are you little youngsters from?"

"We aren't from a clan, Miss." Brown'Kit replied, almost falling into the swamp.

"You must be rogues then," Fused'Fur added after seeing Brown'Kit's face, "We will still treat your wounds."

They kits followed in silence for the rest of the way.

When they got there, Fused'Fur was confronted by a cat with a grey pelt and dreamy blue eyes. "What happened?" The mysterious cat asked.

"Dreamy'Night can you help these rogue kits? I have no idea what happened to them." Fused'Fur explained.

"Of course I will. Rogue or clan cat, a cat is a cat." Dreamy'Night said, gesturing the kits to follow him.

Dreamy'Night led them into a beautiful and cool cave. Brown'Kit never had seen  a cave, let alone one with a tiny puddle of water. Spice'Kit was also amazed by the verity of herbs on the stone shelves. Pumpkin'Kit seemed to not be as interested in the cave as the rest of them. Hallow'Kit on the other hand had her mouth wide open and was freaking out.

"You kits sit on the nests. Ill treat all of you wounds after." Dreamy'Night said from behind the rock column the herbs were stored.

Hallow'Kit settled on a nest near to the puddle Brown'Kit saw earlier. Spice'Kit who probably had the worst wounds of them all rested next to her fluffy sister. Pumpkin'Kit settled on the huge nest Hallow'Kit had settled on. Brown'Kit was quite sleepy and everything hurt so he slept next to the nest Hallow'Kit and Pumpkin'Kit were on.

Dreamy'Night's voice slowly faded into nothingness...

Hallow'Kit's breathing faded aswell...

Pumpkin'Kit's questioning faded away...

Soon all he could here was the soft wincing of poor little Spice'Kit. That was gone aswell...

Brown'Paw slowly fell asleep... Suddenly he was woken up by Dreamy'Night who was bandaging Brown'Kit's wounds.

Soon after that everything faded again...

He fell off into sleep...


Thank you so much for reading! I had  a lot of fun making this. I hope you enjoyed. Also WOFavocado sugested I should make this so thank you! If anyone wants me to make a chapter 3 Ill gladly do it!

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