Chapter 1

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Leah's POV...

My father was supposed to be my first love, instead, he became my first fear. My parents didn't have the easiest relationship growing up in Chicago. While my mother was staying at home to feed, bathe, and watch her children.

My father couldn't survive one day without consuming alcohol. He would rather treat himself than feed his family. 

The day we could no longer afford anything at all. My father turned into an ugly man. When he decided to relieve his stress elsewhere.

My mother.

After slapping and throwing her like a rag doll against our kitchen counters. He decided he was through with her. He was ready to walk out. My mother, on the other hand, couldn't imagine life without him.

Seeing my mother hysterically crying on our kitchen tile floor while on her knees, grabbing and shaking his legs. Continuously, begging him not to leave.

He was the angriest I have ever seen him. Annoyed by her theatrics. He kicked her so hard with his thick leather boot. You could hear the crack in her ribs. He immediately panicked. Running to the front door. Realizing what he had done.

She just..laid there..panicking from shortness of breath while looking right at us with suffering eyes.

My sisters and I held on to each other for dear life that day. Corned together under the kitchen table, farthest away from them. As much as I wished I helped her that day. I fear we would've angered him even more. 


Someone anonymously called the paramedics. They stormed into our home ten minutes later without knocking. Quickly put our mother onto a hospital stretcher.

A young paramedic approached us, squatting down next to us.  She had dirty blonde hair that was in a tight bun and blue eyes.

"Hi, my name is Carmen." she gently said. "Are you guys injured? What are your names?" She worriedly asked. We stayed silent.

She smiled warmly at us. "I understand, you're scared. Here is what we're going to do. We are going to go outside, where we are no longer in this house. I'm going to gently check if you are okay. I won't separate you. I will give you guys a blanket and stay with you until I know you guys are safe. Is that okay?" She softly said, looking at each of us. Patiently waiting for us to give her our answer.

Rose was the first to slowly nod. She continued to wait for me and Amelia, reassuring us with a warm smile. We eventually agreed and followed her outside.

We sat inside the hospital truck while she checked us. She put a long polyester blanket around all three of us and stayed with us as promised.

The police assigned us over to stay the night at the foster care system nearby. We prayed and hoped that night before going to sleep that our mom would be okay.

We squished ourselves to fit onto one bed, instead of sleeping separately in our twin beds we were assigned by Mrs. Grace. My sister Rose, and I were six years old. My older sister Amelia was seven.

At first, it was hard making all of us fit but, as long as we were together. It didn't matter how little space we had, we slept in the comfort of each other's arms.


After our stay in the foster home. My mother was finally released 7 days later. She got herself together and pulled out money from her savings account that she's been putting aside for years. We packed lightly with our necessities and left Chicago as soon as possible.

My sister Rose and I were born twins. Although I was older by a few minutes.  I have dark brunette wavy hair with blue eyes. Rose has light chestnut, straight hair with hazel eyes. I was always slightly taller than Rose. Due to my mother's troubled past before she met my father. She had an affair with another man. Leading my sister to look a little more different than Rose and me.

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