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When I woke up, I wasn't welcomed with a new wonderful planet where I would have total and complete freedom. I also wasn't with my buddies that had betrayed me earlier.

They had apparently found out I had a bounty on me, at least on my Alphiate form, and turned me into the Nova Corps. But not the justice-serving Nova Corps that put you on trial and give you three strikes and want to uphold the law. These are the ones that are corrupt and cruel.

"Waylon of Planet Hojinn. Originally found on planet B-12 and put in The Refugee Home for Lost Children Of War," The guard says from the other side of the glass as they examine me and log me into their system.

"Born with extraordinary abilities to shape-shift into other creatures, her powers have aided her in evading the authorities. Currently the slave of Taneleer Tivan, Waylon has been a slave for most of her life. Involved in many fight clubs and used as security. Waylon is a high risk level prisoner, and will be monitored closely for the entirety of her stay. The new collar she wears, prohibits her abilities of shifting, making this her one and only form for use."

I glare into the glass as I hear that I am once again given a collar to wear. Later, I'm shown to my cell after given my ugly clothing attire.


I have only been here for around a month or two, but everyday is a fight and battle, and I have yet to lose.

The rules of the Kyln were simple enough to understand; be the bigger guy, or befriend the bigger guy. Since I'm stuck in my Alphaite form, I picked the second option.

"Befriend" is a loose term I used to describe the relationship have with Drax. When I got here, I became closed off for obvious reasons, which made me an easier target. Although I had martial arts training for multiple reasons and from many owners, I couldn't fight my way through the hierarchy.

Drax had happened to be around when I was in need of a little assistance, and he had said later on that I had reminded him of his daughter.

After that, I had stuck around him, whether he liked it of not. He was my only chance of surviving the prison.

He had finally let me tag along with him when I offered part of my food to him. He was then convinced we were best buddies. He told me multiple times a day that when he got out he would kill Ronan and get revenge. He offered to let me come along as long as I didn't get in his way. Of course I had agreed, not sure when he was allowed to be released or even at all.

I believe I had five life sentences on my name.

"Drax?" I ask, sitting on the lunch table with my feet on the bench.

"Hm?" He grunts in response.

"How many animals have you seen?" Asking Drax about his time in the universe was my favorite pastime.

"Many an animal has been slain by my hands. My wife was especially fond of Bearths. Their tender meat was easy to rip through with your teeth and their blood was copious."

His gory recollection of his wife's favorite meal did not deter my appetite. "Sounds good. Nothing like the food here." I take my utensil out of the grey mush on my trey and play with it, painting a smiley face.

"Stop that! Every creature needs their protein." Drax takes it out of my hand before placing it back onto the trey.

I sigh and roll my eyes. They then snap to the opening door, seeing fresh meat enter.


"Coming for you first, Gamora!"

"You're dead!"

"You're scum! You're scum!"

Shouts come from all over, making a crowd gather around the new people. Food and other debris rain down from the higher levels of the prison. Things were being thrown at the new group of people—mostly aimed at the green woman.

At the names shouted, Dax's head pops up from him eating his "protein".

Boris makes his way through the crowd and approaches the Terrain male. He slides a slimy hand up and down his face.

"Check out the new meat. I'm gonna slather you up in Gunavian jelly, and go to town..." Suddenly the large plant creature part of the new group picks him up by his fingers in his nose, making Boris grab onto his arm, grunting and whining in pain.

"Let's make something clear," a small furry Terrain creature climbs onto one of the tables and addresses everyone. "This one here is our booty! You wanna get to him, you go though us! Or, more accurately, we go through you." He jumps off the table and his plant friend releases Boris. He falls and yells out in pain, contorted on the ground while holding his face.

The Terrain male steps over him and follows after the others. "I'm with them."

As the small creature passes by, he notices me sitting on the table and smiles, showing all his fangs.

"Do I have to bribe one of the guards to get a cell with you or would you like to come with me right now?" He leans his hand onto the seat near my feet and his friends pause behind him, watching our exchange.

I hiss at him, extending the Alphaite form's fangs. He backs up a bit from surprise.

"I haven't had fresh blood since I got here. Would you like to make my day?" I smile like he did, making sure to make it wide enough so that he could see my canines.

"Jesus, lady. All ya had to say was no." He walks away with his strange friends in tow.

I go back to relaxing on the table and playing with my food.

"Do you really feed on blood?" Drax asks after a moment.

I only shrug my shoulders as an answer.

Drax stays silent as he abandons his food and stares up at the cell the woman had entered. I look over at him, wondering if he had recognized the infamous new prisoner. Being sheltered for most of my life from all other society, I had no idea who the hell she was.

"You know her?" I ask, as I pop a bite of food into my mouth.

"I know of her relations to Ronan." He continues to stare as my mouth hangs open.

"Oh, okay then."

How do you respond to that?

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