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We all crowd around the main holo-board as Gamora stares at the map of the galaxy we are currently in. I barely recognize the projection, but analyze it nonetheless.

"So, listen," Quill starts, "I'm gonna need your buyer's coordinates." He says it softly as if too afraid to anger the assassin.

Gamora looks back unimpressed and places her hands on the table that looks like it is a life-size petri dish. The thing is nasty. I'm afraid to even lean against the walls.

"We're heading in the right direction, for now." She says allusively as she picks up the orb. I cant help but be curious as to what the orb exactly is. If it's anything like Tivan has, then I'm sure we definitely should not be handling it.

"If we're gonna work together, you might want to try trusting me a little bit." Quill attempts his hand at a charming smirk, but all I can see is his condescending attitude.

Gamora bites back at him in a sickly-sweet fake smile. "And how much do you trust me?" Quill pulls the orb out of her hands and gives it a small toss.

"I'd trust you a lot more if you told me what this was. Because I'm guessing it's some kind of weapon." He examines it and carefully places it back onto the table, where, in my opinion, it should stay for the rest of time.

"I don't know what it is," Gamora admits regretfully. Drax quickly comes up beside me and Gamora. He grabs it from the table in his meaty hands. "If it's a weapon, we should use it against Ronan."

"Put it down, you fool! You'll destroy us all." Gamora orders him.

"Or just you, murderess!"

"I let you live once, princess!"

"I am not a princess!"

Quill thankfully inserts himself into their squabble. Although it's not the safest, it's better than a full-out brawl in Quill's semi-small ship. "Hey! Nobody is killing anybody on my ship! We're stuck together until we get the money." Agreeing with him, I make Drax throw the orb to Quill. Albeit I didn't tell him to throw it, he did it anyway.

"I have no interest in money," Drax says as he walks off.

"Neither do I," I offer up. "I only wanted freedom and you will grant me my freedom as soon as you let me off your putrid ship." I assert in a threatening tone.

"Great. That means more money for the three of us." Groot then makes a noise indicating he counts too. "For the four of us. Partners."

Gamroa scoffs. "We have an agreement, but I would never be partners with the likes of you. I'll tell the buyer we're on our way." She starts to walk away before turning back around for a moment. "And Quill, your ship is filthy." She walks up the stairs to the main steering consoles.

Quill turns back around to Rocket, Groot, and I. "Oh, she has no idea. If I had a black light, the place would look like a Jackson Pollock painting."

"You got issues, Quill." Rocket says as he jumps off the stool and walks away, head shaking.

"Who's Jackson Pollock?"

What feels like an eternity later, Rocket yells from the top of the ship that we're inbound.

I am the last one who makes it up the ladder, but what I see out of the windows stops me in my tracks. Quill lets out a gasp as he takes in the planet.

"What is it?" Drax asks, walking up to the biggest window and looking out.

"It's called Knowhere," Gamora responds, "The severed head of an ancient celestial being. Be wary headed in, rodent. There are no regulations whatsoever here." The Milano enters Knowhere and I feel myself stiffening up as I pass the entrance to the planet and my freedom vanishes by the second. "Hundreds of years ago, the Tivan Group sent workers in to mine the organic matter within the skull. The bone, brain tissue, spinal fluid. All rare resources, highly valued in black markets across the galaxy. It's dangerous and illegal work, suitable only for outlaws." Gamora's words send shivers up my spine and they all go to stand in front of the doors that are to open to the ship.

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