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'Okay, I can do this. I memorized all my lines but when I see her, I completely forget what to say. No matter I have to do this'

Leo thought as he stood on a rooftop alone in the middle of the night.

"Okay, I know you're out there, come and face me"

He said in confidence. Soon a cloud of smoke from a pellet blinded Leo's sight as he covered his eyes as he let out a cough, he was soon knocked down to the ground by none other than Sora standing over him with a glare.

"Live bait"

She said casually walking around him as he slowly stood up being cautious of the ninja. Sora stopped as she had a good look at him from head to toe causing Leo to slightly blush at being stared at.

"Where are the others?"

She asked.

"I came alone"

He said clearing up his throat. Sora raised an eyebrow towards him.


She asked curiously.

"I wanted to talk to you"

He said taking a step forward.

"We have nothing to talk about, your the enemy, so if I had to take one down then so be it, the rest will follow"

She said with a glare taking out her katana.

"Wait, I don't want to fight"

Leo said raising both his hands in surrender.

"Your funeral"

She said simply as she strike to attack as Leo quickly dodge every move.

"Wait, I just wanted to figure you out!"

Leo shouted with his eyes close as he felt the blade was pressed to his neck. The pressure was soon removed as Leo opened his eyes letting out a sigh of relief. Sora looked to him curiously placing the katana over her shoulder.

"You investigate for curiosity, because it is unknown"

She said with a thought before smiling as she crouch down to Leo on the floor.

"Not because you know the answer"

She said quietly as she watch Leo stand up as she stood upright putting her katana away.

"Very well mutant, I'll give you a chance, five minutes, amuse me. Go"

She said as she watched Leo quickly stumble over his words.

"Um....uh K-karai doesn't talk about you much, but i-i want to know more about you"

He said trying to stop himself from stuttering. Sora raised an eyebrow.

"If I had to repeat myself one more time on 'why' then I will put your head on the platter. Don't play games with me"

She said with a slight growl.

"You're right, I'm sorry the truth is I don't think you're a bad person"

He said causing Sora to frown.

"I mean I don't see you as the villain here"

He said.

"You don't know a thing about me. Maybe I have my own agenda"

She said crossing her arms over her chest.

"True but if killing me is something you wanna do, and if this is something you gotta do, then you do it"

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