First Introductions

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When you heard about a girl using crystal constructs in Jersey, you decided to investigate

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When you heard about a girl using crystal constructs in Jersey, you decided to investigate. You used your batons to swing your way into the city.

At nightfall, you explored the city, searching for her. You super hearing picked up on the sounds of a scuffle and flashing blue and purple lights.

You swung and flipped onto the roof of a parking lot, kicking one criminal in the back. Once you landed, you got your bearings of the situation.

There were five robbers standing next to a car, one of the windows broken. The girl you had been searching for was standing in front of them, in a blue, red, and gold suit.

The girl cries out, "Whoa!!", as she punches one robber, creating an enlarged purple and blue fist.

'Yeah, that's her.' You helped the girl mop up the remaining robbers. Once that was done, you turned back to her and said, "Follow me." Using your HUD, you found a rooftop devoid of any security cameras for a private conversation.

You both sat on the rooftop. "Who are you?", you both asked.  You really took the time to take her in, she was pretty close to your age. She answered, "I'm Miss Marvel, I'm kinda new to all this superhero business. Now, " Her magic fists flare up. "who are you?"

"I'm SH/N. My name is Y/N L/N." You reached up and removed your helmet. She reached up and removed her mask. You took a moment to take in her beauty. "You can call me Kamala Kahn." You shook hands, although Kamala looked stunned to see your face.

Kamala thought, 'He looks kinda cute!'

"I know you're a superhero, but what are your powers? Who are you exactly?" she asked.

"Well, my father is Daredevil. So, I have his powers, but I'm not blind. I can see your beautiful face. He trained me to hone my other senses, I can even hear heartbeats like yours." At that, Kamala's face heated up and her heart rate spiked. "What about you, Kamala?"

"Well, I wanted to go to AvengerCon, but my parents said no. So, I snuck out, but I grabbed a family artifact, a bangle. I ended up using it at the con, but then I got powers and maybe, sort of, nearly destroyed the con.", she rambled. You were pretty shocked, to say the least.

"So, all of this started because you wanted to go to a con." She nodded. "I've kind of, always wanted to go to a con. I never really had the chance." Her face lit up.

"I could take you to one! I was planning to go to one next month." You guys swapped numbers as you went back to New York.

Over the next month, Kamala and her friend, Bruno would help you develop a Hawkeye costume for the next con. Over that time, Kamala and you would get closer and train together. She learned how to use her other senses, while you learned how to fight more magically powered opponents. Though, you both tried to hide your feelings from each other, your dad noticed.

"So, when are you going to tell her your feelings?", Matt smirks. Your cheeks heated up, "I don't have feelings for her."

"Son, I may be blind, but even I can see your feelings for her. I can hear your heart rate go up when she calls and texts you. You talk excitedly about her. If she makes you happy, go for it." You mulled it over, before grabbing your f/c suit and heading to Jersey, to see her.

You found her on patrol. You stopped her on a rooftop to talk. " Kamala, I have to tell you something. I've really liked hanging out with you. You're one of my favorite people. I-I have feelings for you.", you said as you looked her in her dark eyes.

Her lips tilted up as she stepped on her toes to kiss you. Her lips tasted like candy. "I have feelings for you, too.", she smiled. She grabbed your hand as you both continued to patrol Jersey.

At the con, you finally wore your Hawkeye costume, while Kamala wore a cosplay of her Ms. Marvel suit without the mask. "Hey, Kam, look."

Kamala turned to see a statue of Ms. Marvel for people to take pics with. Her eyes glittered, "I have a statue!?"

You whispered, "Maybe next time, you can show up to say hi?" She turned to you, "Maybe she'll bring a guest?" You two continued to enjoy the con as a couple.

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