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Request from Dragonsw: Basically a supersoldier with enhanced senses like daredevil (thunderbird from the gifted basically as well) and carries vibranium knives

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Request from Dragonsw: Basically a supersoldier with enhanced senses like daredevil (thunderbird from the gifted basically as well) and carries vibranium knives. Plot: Y/n feels kamala relies too much on her powers and needs to train in hand to hand, so he goes to her house to teach her, its starts off a bit silly and kamala gets frustrated but later she starts to really pick up what Y/N's teaching her even managing to take him down when he wasn't paying attention. Before they could share a kiss however they hear her parents arriving outside and immediately separate and make it look like they were studying the whole time

"Is this necessary?," Kamala asked. The two of you were in the backyard of Kamala's house.

"Yes, you're getting better at controlling your powers but your hand to hand needs work.," you explained.

"Oh come on! My powers are working just fine." To prove it, Kamala's fist flares, purple and indigo crystals coating her hand.

"It's not just about your powers. Their maybe times someone is too close for your powers. I just don't want you to get hurt.," you explained.

Kamala relented, remembering the fight at the wedding when the Clandestines attacked. "Sure, how hard could it be?"

Two hours later, Kamala was lying on her back, out of breath. You ran through some moves with her before going into a sparring match for trying it with her.

She was sweaty and out of breath. Frustratingly, you were completely fresh. As of you hadn't been sparring for hours.

"I'm never gonna get this!," Kamala groaned.

"It took me years to learn this. I'll help you get there. You just need to have patience.," you said gently.

She brushed her hair out of her face before getting to her feet once again. "Alright, let's try this again."

You opened with a punch which Kamala blocked. However, unlike the previous times where you were  easily able to topple her, Kamala was able to knock you down and straddle your waist.

"Yes!! I won!," Kamala cheered. She stared down at you, breathless. You stared back. Even sweaty, she looked gorgeous.

Kamala leaned down and right when your lips were about to touch, you heard a car approach the driveway.

"They're back!" The two of you grabbed your stuff and ran back in the house. You grabbed some books and sat in one of the living room chairs while Kamala headed upstairs.

"What are you doing?," you asked.

"Going to shower. They might wonder why I smell like sweat." She disappeared upstairs and you heard the shower start.

The front door opened and Muneeba Khan entered. "Oh Y/N, it's good to see you. Where's Kamala?"

"Oh, she went to shower." Muneeba turned to see the staircase, probably more aware of the sound of the shower.

A couple of hours later, you texted Kamala.

Y/N: [So, r we gonna talk about the almost kiss?]

Kamala responded, [I was going to kiss you but I heard them come home.]

Y/N: [Don't worry, I'll give you one tomorrow at school. ;) Good night.]

KK: [Good night :)]

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