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After some more chatting and getting to know the group a bit more, Peter found out that Theo does commercial modeling for alternative clothing brands when he isn't working in the print shop. Sasha worked at Starbucks and ran an Only-Fans, but luckily Kurt didn't mind. He was just happy that she was happy about it, not to mention the fact that the money wasn't half-bad either considering she already had a large following on Instagram to start. Plus, some men would even send her cute outfits or cosplay pieces to try on. Kurt wasn't complaining, he was just happy she chose him and he didn't have to pay for her attention- it was genuinely there. She truly cared for him. Loved him to death.

Once Seb became more talkative, he got to share information about his gig as a DJ at this underground club, as well as his experience in his band where he plays drums and bass. Kurt worked retail at a clothing store in the mall, and he didn't have much to say about it (not surprisingly enough.) Apparently, his supervisors weren't a fan of his childish humor and his co-worker Riley always called him a cuck.

The group had all met in school when Cassie was a freshman, but everyone was two grades older than Cassie. Of course, Cassie and Theo had known each other since they were kids as they lived in the same neighborhood before Theo moved out, which made them more like siblings than just friends. They were all paired for the school's homecoming plans and set up the gymnasium for it. After that, they never broke apart.

As their story unfolded, Kurt started reminiscing on stupid shit they've done over the years. "Yo! Remember that time we all went to that party at Trent's house and Theo broke the fucking beer pong table? Trent was piiiissed! You shoulda seen the look on his face! HAH."

"In my defense- I don't remember, therefor it didn't happen," Theo raised his hands up to try and sway the crowd. It didn't work.

"Just because you decided to get black-out drunk Junior year and jumped on the table doesn't mean that didn't happen," Sasha snorted.

"Okay, well, you were the one who made my mixed drinks, so technically you broke Trent's beer pong table." Theo stuck out his tongue at her.

"Okay gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss," Cassie said. Everyone laughed at that.

At this point, Peter had started drinking water because he was starting to get more than his comfort level of drunk, which he wasn't even sure of yet considering he hasn't been before. It was getting harder to keep track of conversation and he left to use the bathroom. The mirror was like a mental checkpoint, and well... shit. He was kinda fucked. Not nauseous by any means, but still fucked. "woo," Peter mumbled. "I think It's time to head out after I make piss," he whispered to his reflection.

Once back, things had started to wrap up after he'd opened everyone's gifts. Sasha and Kurt had gotten him some handcuffs as a gag gift, whereas Sebastian and Cassie went with the more practical: a small rice cooker and noise cancelling headphones for his PC set up. The rest of the group was staying at his place for the night, but Cassie had just gotten a text from her dad about curfew.

"Well, thank you so much for having me here, I had a lot of fun and it was great to meet you guys. And, Happy birthday Theo. I hope you guys have a good rest of your night!" Everyone said their goodbyes to the two and as they left and Theo walked them out the door, eyes lingering on Peter walking away. Hate to see him leave, love to watch him walk away, he thought.

Once the door was shut, Theo pivoted on his feet in a full 180* to the other three. "Well, he was hot." They all nodded in agreement.

"And also a nerd," Sebastian added.

"Exactly. Hot and nerdy." Theo winked. And sweet and awkward and funny, he thought to himself. He could already tell he was gonna cause trouble when it came to Peter. He liked how nervous he got around him, and he was gonna take full advantage of it.


Peter made it back to his floor safely until he was a couple feet away from his room. "How was the party?" Stephen asked. He was sitting at the dining table across the way. The sudden awareness of his presence made him jump.

He turned to face him, trying his best to act as sober as possible. "Uh, yeah! Party was great. Good stuff... yeah," he gave a thumbs up. God damnit.

"Drink some water and get some sleep," he took a sip of his tea and gave a knowing look. Peter just nervously laughed and closed the door behind him. He changed into pajamas and brushed his teeth. Just as he spit out the foamy toothpaste, his phone buzzed.

New Message From: Unknown

UNKNOWN: hey, Cas gave me your number btw. It's the birthday boy :)

Peter rinsed his mouth out and smiled at the message.

PETER: Sick! I'll add you to my contacts.

THEO: Ok. Everyone's gone to bed but I really want to thamk yyou for your gift tonight. I've named him Carnelius to rhyme withh my name !!

[1 image attatched.]

It was Carnelius being squeezed to death by Theo's hand, shaky camera and all. The death grip made its eyes bulge out more.

PETER: ?? that doesn't rhyme. lol

THEO: It's short for Theolonious. 🥲 don't laugh

Peter let out a guttural laugh, almost toppling over. Oh my god- he had to be joking.

PETER: What???? were your parents high asf naming you or?

THEO: LMAOO In their defense, I'm named after a philosopher pianist guy.. butut also, yes.

THEO: Anyway, I'm gonna chug wate r andpass out. U go do the same, hot n nerdyy ;)

PETER: ? Goodnight lol. Sleep well and take care of yourself.... theolonious the great.

Peter turned off his phone and made his way to the bed with a wide grin, trying not to focus to the "hot n nerdyy ;)" comment. He failed and a blush crept up to his face. It made him feel like screaming into his pillow like a teenage girl reading about her favorite ship finally kiss in a fan fiction. He wanted to text him more, because sleep would just land in a nightmare- he knew that much. But also, he wanted to know more about him, and he couldn't help how badly he wanted to interact with him. After all, Theo was hot himself.

But, he decided against it and let sleep overtake him for the time being.

// A/N: This shit unedited bc im lazy but heyyy whatever lol thanks for reading this pile of trash ❤️ -cam //

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