Crisis On Earth-Prime: Part 2 - Legends Of Tomorrow

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Ray Palmer's apartment - Earth-Prime

Ray Palmer sits on his chair minding his own business when all of a sudden, a gush of wind picks him up.

He is then set down on the ground after being picked up and sped through out Central City by Barry.

Ray: What the-

Ray looks around confused then turns around to see the League and The Legends all together. Except for Barry, because after dropping off Ray, he sped off immediately.

Ray: You guys should be in prison.

Sara: Well, Barry needed our help to stop a World Conquering Alien Warlord.

Ray: World Conquering Alien Warlord?

Clark then plays Darkseid's message for Ray Palmer to see.

Clark: Today's day 2 of Darkseid's attack on Earth.

Kara: And we don't know who will attack and when they will attack.

Ava: Well if that's the case, y'all got weapons?

J'onn: Mr. Allen is at ARGUS, he will provide us all with advanced weaponry.

Just as J'onn said that, Barry returned immediately carrying suitcases.

Barry: Okay, just got back from ARGUS. Cisco may or may not have given me some weapons for us to use.

Sara: Never knew ARGUS had advanced weaponry.

Barry: Well, Cisco is the leading engineer at ARGUS so makes sense why.

Barry: And thanks to Cisco, he made this bad boy.

Barry pulls out a very high-tech rifle, which Ava calls dibs.

Ava: Very, very high-tech.

Ava then grabs the rifle, which causes a confused Barry to look at her before saying three words.

Ava: It's mine now.

Before snatching it out of Barry's hands.

Barry: Oh well, we have more weapons anyway.

Barry opens up another suitcase, which contains more advanced weaponry.

Barry: Okay, so all of these are hand held, very advanced blasters. Grab one of your style.

And soon enough, Spooner, Zari, Behrad, Gwyn, and J'onn grab their weapons of choice.

Barry: Sara, you're gonna be fighting up close with these Parademons so you're gonna need this.

Barry hands Sara wrist canons.

Sara: Thanks

Barry: When I went to get you guys, I thought you would turn down the offer. I mean, retiring from hero duties, getting arrested for time crimes, I thought you guys would have enough.

Sara: We're called the Legends for a reason Barry.

Barry: So one last hoorah before you guys sit down on your rocking chairs beside the pool?

Sara: *Chuckles* While drinking a cold martini, yeah, one more.

Barry then speeds out and return, giving Sara something that will always be a part of her. Her suit and batons.

Barry: Welcome back, White Canary.

Kara: Guys!

The heroes turn to Kara and see an attack alert.

Barry: Keystone City.

Ava: Wait! We don't have the Waverider. We can't get there in time.

As soon as Ava said that, part of the ground started opening up, the Waverider then slowly begins to rise up.

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