(05/04/2020) (part 4)

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 05/04, 2020

Dear Diary

The days are rolling by, and Mom and I have decided it's time to try to make our way back home. Or what used to be home, at least. We don't know where Jason and Dad are still, and a I feel that being closer to New York might give us a better chance of finding them. Mom also is convinced that they'll be at our old New York flat, and I'm holding on to that hope too.

The journey has been... interesting. Mom in my body I think is tiring to act kinda like a 14 year old boy abit.

I think she's been trying to imitate how I used to act, like slouching, and even trying to mimic the way I move that body, and even playing video games with me every night when we were back at the cabin.

I guess she's trying to find a way to cope with being in her new/my younger body, and honestly, it's helping me loosen up too, seeing her act more like a random boy who could be my friend/ older brother?

She looks slightly different than me now with her grower her hair out more than I have ever done, and I am getting use to that the body is hers and not mine.

And well, we left the cabin a few days ago, after packing up some supplies and making sure we had everything we needed. It was strange saying goodbye to the place that was our refuge for a while and was the place where I got used to seeing this new body in the mirror in the mornings.

We started walking, and after a couple of hours Mom started struggling with my longer legs and trying to adjust to her or... his? I'm going to keep on calling her, her, with her being my mom, that makes sense, right?

Anyway, she was struggling walking in her "new" lanky frame. With her not use to being a head taller and walking with such long legs for hours in her new/ my old body, and I would be lying if I said I didn't find it funny seeing her trip over her own feet a few times.

Tonight, we're camping out near a group of other swapped people. It's a makeshift camp, what we stumbled upon today, there are people from all walks of life coming together in a strange sort of understanding. One family has even set up a little grill, and the smell of cooking food is wafting through the air, making my stomach growl.

But there was the one guy, who stared at me like he hated me, I don't know why he was staring at me with such hate, but I started to think it was because of my new skin colour? And I can't think of any other reason why a random guy would have so much hate for me, to be honest I have never understood why people would hate someone because they look different? So, is this first of many situations/problems I am going to have now that I am not white anymore?

But luckily, I told mom, and we made sure to set up the small tent we share on the other side of the site to where I saw him, and luckily, I have not seen him since.

And something happened what made me feel much better after such an experience, Mom and me made friends with another mom and son, Emma and Tom. But they've have swapped into each other's bodies. Imagine that being in your own mom's body, I felt bad for mom being stuck in mine, but I could not imagine being stuck in her old one!

But they're seem to be handling it better than most. Emma being in her son's body, is teaching me how to play a guitar, with me and her kicking it off pretty easily and her wanting to teach me how to play.

I can't play for the life of me, but we had having fun and laughing doing such a thing.

While I was messing around with Emma, I could see mom was drooling and trying to flirt with the boy in his mom's body, seeing her obviously looking at the boy/woman's boobs, and my mom having an existed smile and red face.

And that made me think, does swapping body's mean we swap sexual ideals? Because I'm too young to know if I'm still straight or not, not getting any feeling from ever gender because I'm too young now, right?

But anyway, later on today, I played catch with Emma, and it's nice to feel like a kid again, like I'm back in my own body when I was 10.

We ran around, throwing the ball back and forth, and it was freeing, like a weight lifted off my shoulders, just being who I felt like now, with even playfighting a little. with Emma wining, and supposedly being the same age as me, but she seemed she is older than me, she is half a head taller and looked more mature than me? but maybe this body is just small, or could I younger than 10! I hope that is not the Case.

After we finished played after hours of it, all 4 of us ate together, and Now I'm sitting in my tent with me and Emma decided to go to bed early, feeling tired from all the movement we have done today.

The guitar is leaning against the side of my little pod, with Emma saying a can keep it, and it really has been a long day, and I can hear the murmur of conversations around the campfire. with Mom and Tom still chatting nearby, not knowing if she is trying anything with Tom in the woman's body!

And I can't help but smile. Maybe this journey won't be so bad if we make friends like Emma and Tom along the way.

And seeing that it is now 10:30 at night, I should probably try to sleep now. With tomorrow being a new day, and who knows what it'll bring walking along this long road. Maybe will a big maybe we'll find a lead on Jason and Dad? or maybe we'll just keep moving forward, trying to get are lives in these swapped bodies more back to normal.

So, Goodnight Diary. Until the next page, Luke, the supposedly 10 year old boy signing off. 

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