03/08/2021 (part 11)

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Dear diary

first of all, note to self, it seems mom and Jason are not going to give up on me calling them Jack and Mom, so for now on I will write them in here like so, mom will be "Jack (old mom)" and Jason who wants me to so much from me too call her mom will be "Mom (old Jason)"

Now let me write what I want to get out of me.

So, for starters, Fuck my life!

Like what the hell, my mom (Jason) is dating a dude! and well Jack (mom) has a girlfriend as well Now, what I don't feel too disgusted about Jack (mom), the only thing I don't like about that is that it was my body around 7-8 months ago and will, he is or was My mom, but I am really starting to see his body as not mine and him as more of a brother than anything else but Jason she was my twin and I can still see the same person who I use to mess around with, get into trouble with and share everything with.

but now he wants to be called mom and wants me to be happy with her getting a boyfriend, I don't want some strange guy in this house/flat or see him and my mom "who was once my brother", doing stuff in front of me.

Like come on who want that, she says he is going to come around in two days for a meal and to meet me and Jack, supposable they have been seeing each over for over a month now, and I did not even realize how she was going out lots of nights? But I think she always went out after my bed time 8:30PM!

But I guess I have been spending more and more nights around Sams as well, even Jack ( old mom) said I was an idiot for not realizing that she was dating, and it is still Surprises me, that Jack (old mom) has gotten really good at being a 15 year old boy, and I think no one would guess that he was once my 37 year old mom, before the great shift, and I now just see him as my big brother for the most part, with me and him having hanged about with each other, quite a lot more recently after school, and end up talking about stupid stuff like I would with mom (old Jason) when she was my 14 year old brother twin before the swap, and not an overbearing "mother".

But still, what I am going to do? it is not like I can stop her now, she is in her late 20s and it is normal for a person her age to be married and have their own kids by now, so it is not like I can tell her that this is wrong and people will think she is weird for dating a guy, specially that the guy was supposable a 16 year old girl before the swap and is now a 31 year old guy who works at the same farm as she does, she say that he knows that she use to be my 14 year old twin, and a boy, and he is fine and think it is cool that we all act like who we are now?

But I don't act like how I look right?

I don't act like a 9 year old kid do I, sure I don't complain about going to Elementary School in to 3ed grade, but I have to right? It would have been against the law for me if I did not go, and yes I have friends who are now 9 as well, but 90% of them where around my old age (14), and yes I watch some childish shows like Naruto and Pokemon now, with Sam getting me in to them and the rest of my friends like them as well, and if I don't I probably won't fit in with my new group at school, pulse I'm pretty sure, being younger make such shows more entertaining, for some reason?

and I do have a bed time, but that is because this body needs sleep, and I am normally falling asleep by 8:30pm, and I do let Mom (Jason) tucked me in now, with it feeling nice with her doing so, and it is easier than arguing with her, but that does not make it so I am acting like an 9 year old... right?

But whatever, there is no way I am going to accept this guy into my house or my life, Christ I don't even remember the guy's name, probably not wanting to even remember it.

But Jack's (old mom's) girlfriend Jesse is actually really nice, I met her once when Jack (old mom) walked with me back home, from school with the high school being close to the Elementary School and see was very pretty, with long brown hair and a skinny body, with notable boobs, and a curvy body, and well she said I was really cute, and gave me a hug was felt really nice, but this body is not ready for girls or it is on the other team (gay), not feeling anything stimulating from being close to a good looking girl, like Jesse.

But i am happy for Jack (old mom,) Jesse just seems really nice and friendly, always had a smile on her face, and Jack (old mom) has been so happy and nicer to me than normal for the last week with having her as his girlfriend, and I think it is fine, like I write before it is weird knowing that Jack (old mom) has my old body, but it does not really look like how I looked before the Great Shift, when I had it about 9 months ago, the hair is longer now and it's kept completely different, and it is much more skinnier now but also more muscular and with me being in a smaller body as well it looked taller, and I think he has had a growth spurt, looking like it could be around 6ft now!

Anyway I do think of what dad would think if he knew his wife was dating a good looking girl in her sons body, but I don't really know, I still think of Dad a lot, and do not know what to do, he has not shown up, and mom (old Jason) or Jack (old mom) has not mentioned him for months now, so have they giving up on him?

well I would like to think I have not, but I have not done anything to search for him, but what can I do I am only an 9 year old boy, in this country's laws now! and I just feel it would be a mistake to mention it to Mom (old Jack) not knowing if she would get angry or upset, and Jack (old mom) seems happy being a 14 year boy now, and I don't think either of them wants to be reminded about anything before the great shift now days.

So, I guess all I can do is pray that he is fine, and he gets back and talk some sense into Mom (old Jack) bring this weird guy over and doing who knows what?

But that is all i wanted to get out of me.

So This is Luke sighing off. 

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