Chapter 15: Fallout

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"Would you look at that," Rob exclaimed, emerging triumphantly from the LCBO. He flashed a sly grin and displayed a bottle of Crown Royal Whiskey to Zack. "The fake ID actually worked!"

"Nice one!" Zack responded half-heartedly, his eyes distant and preoccupied. It had been one week since his breakup with Deb, and Rob was worried as he watched his friend's grades and attendance slip.

"Come on, let's go find a spot to drink this," Rob suggested, nudging Zack with his elbow. They walked toward Waterloo Park, where they found a bench near the water. The eerie reflection of the moonlight danced across its surface, casting an almost supernatural glow around them.

Rob wasted no time in unscrewing the cap and taking a swig of the whiskey. He shuddered slightly as the amber liquid burned like fire down his throat. Zack followed suit, but felt nothing over the numbness he had been feeling since Halloween. His mind was still consumed by thoughts of Deb, he saved her but still ended up losing her. On top of that Ethel's and the professor's bodies were never found.

"Man, I've got to tell you," Rob slurred after a while, feeling the warmth of the alcohol spread through his body. "I think Ahmed may just be the hottest guy I have ever seen. If he were gay, do you think we'd have a shot together?" Rob looked over at Zack but could see he was deep in his own head.

Zack stared into the depths of the dark water, swirling the whiskey around in the bottle. "Deb and I aren't really broken up," he muttered, trying to convince himself there was still hope. "We're just... on a break. I can get her back."

"Zack, listen—" Rob began, but they were interrupted by the sound of footsteps crunching on gravel. The boys shot each other with looks of fear, not knowing whether to hide the booze or fight. Zack and Rob turned to see Wes and Adrian from the basketball team approaching their bench.

"Hey guys, what do you have there?" Adrian asked, eyeing the bottle greedily. "Share the wealth, won't you?"

"Get your own!" Zack snapped, he didn't have time for these idiots right now. He hurled the bottle at the two young men, narrowly missing Adrian's head.

"Whoa, dude, chill out!" Wes exclaimed, but Zack's anger continued to build as he felt the beginnings of a shift. Rob watched Zack's claws begin to extend.

"Sorry about him," Rob interjected quickly, grabbing Zack by the arm and pulling him away from the scene. "He's just having a rough night."

Adrian and Wes watched them go before sitting down on the bench themselves, shaking their heads. "Man, Zack's really lost it," Wes muttered.

"There is something seriously wrong with him lately," Adrian suggested. "When was the last time you saw him at practice?"

Wes squinted up at the sky, as if the answer was going to fall from it. "Damn you are right, I haven't seen him there all week,"

As they continued to discuss Zack's erratic behavior, a sudden noise made them both jump, believing Zack had returned in a rage. But when they turned around, terror gripped them at the sight of the orange-eyed creature standing menacingly over them.

"Exorcists," Gluttony whispered ominously before seizing both young men with inhuman strength. Adrian struggled against its might and Wes attempted to pull a knife from his pocket but it was no use. With one swift motion, Gluttony tossed them into the rocky river, their bodies swallowed by the fast-moving water as they disappeared beneath the surface.

And just like that, the night fell silent once more, leaving no trace of the horror that had transpired.


The sun streamed through the windows of the psychology lecture hall, as students settled into their seats. Ahmed and Deb sat together, their heads bent close as they whispered urgently. Deb's fingers toyed with her glasses, a sign that she was deep in thought.

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