Chapter 2: Tryouts

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The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows through the windows of the gym, on the basketball court Zack and Rob practiced their moves before tryouts. Sweat dripped from their brows, beads of determination that glistened under the flickering gym lights. A gentle breeze from the open gymnasium door blew through the dust bunnies around them, carrying with it the scent of freshly cut grass.

"Hey man, if you get first string, who am I gonna have to warm the bench with?" Rob joked, tossing the ball back to Zack. His words were lighthearted, but Zack could see the genuine concern in his eyes.

"Come on, Rob. We have worked too hard over the summer to end up on the bench," Zack replied, dribbling the ball between his legs and shooting it toward the hoop. The net swished triumphantly as the ball sailed through. "I've got to make the first string, just like my dad when he went here. It's number one on my University to-do list."

"Alright, alright," Rob conceded, raising his hands in mock surrender. "Just remember where you came from when you're the big shot, yeah?"

Zack chuckled and nodded. He knew Rob had his back, no matter what happened. As they continued to practice, he couldn't help but feel a strange energy coursing through his veins, and for only a moment he could have sworn he saw claws extend from his nails.

"Hey, look who decided to show up!" Rob exclaimed, nodding towards the entrance of the gymnasium. Ahmed and Deb walked in side by side, their quiet chatter filling the air with anticipation. Zack felt his heart skip a beat at the sight of Deb, her short black hair framing her face like a halo. He'd been texting with her since their conversation the day before. He told Rob all about her, including the fact she arrived as a transfer student from Japan, but her parents were both Alumni of the University of Waterloo.

"Thanks for coming to show your support," Zack called out, grinning as Deb and Ahmed got themselves situated on the bleachers. "Ready to see some real basketball?"

"Looking forward to it," Deb responded, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

As they settled into their seats, the coach arrived with the rest of the team and blew his whistle, signaling the start of tryouts.

"Zack Dawson," Coach Reynolds read off his clipboard, "I'm starting you on defense today." Zack took his position on the court, with the coach watching his stance. " Good, it is always a confidence boost for the team to have a freshman on defense. We will start with a little two-on-one." Zack bristled at the comment but refused to let it get under his skin. Instead, he focused on proving the coach wrong.

When the whistle sounded again, its shrill cry amplified in Zack's ears, causing him to wince in pain. For a moment, the world around him seemed muffled and distant, like he was underwater. But just as quickly as it had come, the sensation vanished, leaving him feeling more alert than ever.

Zack shook off the disorientation and threw himself into the game, blocking shots left and right. His movements were fluid and precise, a testament to the hours he'd spent practicing and a strange sense that he could read the other players' moves before they made them. The crowd watched in awe as he effortlessly deflected every attempt to score, it was like the ball was drawn to his hands no matter what his opposing teammates tried.

Ahmed and Deb exchanged glances, clearly impressed with Zack's performance. They cheered him on from the sidelines, their voices the driving force behind his determination to succeed. As the tryouts continued, Zack's talent continued to shine through as he never missed a basket. Was it simply adrenaline, or was there something more at play?

Boon's face twisted in envy as he watched Zack effortlessly block shot after shot. He was supposed to be the star player, after all, he was the one scouted for his talent, the tryout was just a formality. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, determined to outdo the newfound star player. Boon snatched the ball from a teammate and charged toward the hoop with fierce determination.

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