Part 18

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Corinne POV

The Belgian Grand Prix weekend has arrived, the last Grand Prix before the summer. It was also the day that I met Arthur. And I was extremely nervous. "What if he doesn't like me?" I asked walking out of the walking closet into the bedroom where Mick was sitting on the bed.

"Meine ewige Liebe, that's not possible. Arthur is going to love you." (My forever love) He said pulling me to stand in between his legs. "Arthur is your brother, just like Charles and Lorenzo He's going to adore you. And if he doesn't that's his problem darling, not yours." Mick said peppering kisses on my neck and collarbone.

"That's easier said than done," I said playing with his hair. "You will be fine, and if you feel uncomfortable call me. Charles will be there but if you need me at any point call, and I'll come running." He kissed my lips and ran his hands up and down my thighs.

"This dress looks so good on you." I smiled pulling him up for another kiss. "Thank you." He gave me a goofy smile before tapping my ass. "You should go before you later," He said. "I should," I sighed kissing him again before grabbing my handbag and leaving the room. I just made it out of the hotel when my phone pinged.

You'll do great. I love forever, always, and till the end of time – Micky

I smiled, Till the end of time – Cori

The car pulled up to the restaurant where I was meeting Charles and Arthur. A waitress led me to our table, I saw Arthur facing away from me and Charles facing my direction. My older brother saw me and stood. "Cori," he greeted pulling me into a hug, "Charles, It good seeing you again." I nodded at the waitress and she walked off.

"Corinne this is Arthur, Arthur Cori," Charles introdused us. Neither of us said anything, Arthur just pulled me into a tight hug, which I returned. We just stood there in each other's arms not moving for a few minutes.

When we pulled away I gave him a soft smile, Charles pulled out my chair for me and we all sat down. "I ordered you a beer, I remember you don't drink wine and that's what you had at lunch the other day," Charles said.

"That's perfect thank you," I said taking a sip. "So, how's your week been?" Arthur asked softly. I smiled at him, "It has been busy. I flow back to New York for a consult for the UN and I had a chance to meet with my debating team."

"Oh yes, you have a competition coming up right?" Charles asked. "Yes with the World Universities Debating Championships, and we have a debate for the UN in Italy next Sunday." I said smiling, "So what are you two doing for the summer?"

"We going to Italy from next week Wednesday and we'll be there for a week before going separate ways," Arthur answered. "So, we will be in Italy at the same time," I commented. "Yes, we should make plans to see each other. Maybe we can come to your debate," Charles said.

"If you really want to, debates aren't always interesting to watch but yes we should make plans to see each other." "The only thing is Mama will be with us. I don't know if you're ready to meet her or to confront her about what happened," Charles said.

I nodded, "It's okay with me. She's your mother, not mine. I might not have had a good relationship with Kathrine, but she is the woman that raised me. Pascale raised your three. The decision to even tell her that you know about me is up to you. If you want to confront her I will stand by you, but it's not my decision."

From there on we had an amazing lunch. We all got to know each other, and Arthur and I realized how similar we really are. I told Arthur a bit about our father and the true happiness that was on his face from getting to know what kind of person our father was something you could only see on a person's face two or three times in their lifetime.

I was glad the chance to get to know my brother, It a feeling I didn't think I would find is someone other than Mick. I feel like I'm home.

 I feel like I'm home

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@corinne_hoffmann had an amazing day with you two

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@corinne_hoffmann had an amazing day with you two. @charles_leclerc 

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