1. Hurricane, Utah, MURICAHH 🦅🦅

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There I am sitting in a plane to a state my dad forced me to go to because of his new job.

I didn't want this. I was happy in Mississippi. I mean it was the second most dangerous state in America... But I still wanted to stay there! I had friends there! 

I looked out of the airplane window annoyed, lost in my thoughts as I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn to see my father looking at me with a sad smile.

"Come on, it's gonna be a new start for all of us. You can make new friends there and it will be all good.. I didn't like your old friends anyway..." He said. The last part more to himself. I glared at him. 

"Well, that's your problem. I liked them!" I turned around again putting on my headphones, listening to 'A Match Into Water' by Pierce The Veil as I felt my eyes getting heavy, and soon, I fell asleep.


I woke up to my mom shaking me aggressively. Guess that's what you get for not sleeping enough for about a week-

"Y/N (Y/M/N) L/N! WAKE THE FUCK UP!" I immediately rushed out of my seat. Because if I didn't my mom would either drag me out of the plane or let me fly to the next country.

"Yes ma'am!" I said quickly standing straight. "Quick! We gotta get out of the plane!" She said as I follow behind her.

As we got out of the plane, I glanced at basically just Utah itself. "Damn fucking sandy here... I wont be surprised if I wake up choking on sand..." We followed my father to the airport seating and waited there.


The car was actually pretty loud the whole ride. Just my father and the taxi driver laughing their asses off with stupid dad jokes no one really understood besides them. 

"We're here!" The taxi driver said looking back at us as we unbuckled ourselves and got out of the car. Guess I won't choke on sand.

"Well, guess the mover people already brought our stuff in!" My father said. "You guys can explore the house a little while waiting for me." And that's what we did. It was a two story house with a garage right under one of the rooms on the right.

 Susie and I went straight upstairs to choose our rooms. There were three bedrooms. One really big and we both knew, that room, yeah our parents already had a reservation for that one. 

I took the room above the garage. It had a bathroom, A really big closet and my beloved queen-sized bed. Guess this would've been my room anyway.

 I threw my suitcase somewhere in the room and let myself fall on the bed. It was pretty comfortable. Extra comfortable right now. I was about to doze off when I heard my father calling us downstairs.

I walked downstairs to my father. "Dinner is ready, and after dinner you can start unboxing."

I shrugged with my shoulders as I sat down on a chair in the dining room. Susie sat next to me excitedly. "Dad, I love our new home!" She said while dangling her legs up and down. "Yeah? That's great Susie. I'm glad you like it! What about you Y/N?" He said looking at me. I just looked annoyed away without a word. 

He sighed at my silent treatment and then my mom came in with the food. "I hope you all are hungry because I made A LOT." My mom said while placing the food on the table so everyone can put something on their plate

"Thanks, mom." I smiled at her slightly.

"Thank you, mommy!" Susie said excited.

"Thank you, dear." My dad said before kissing my mom on the cheek. We all began to eat when my mom asked Susie and I. "Y/N, Susie, what do you think about your rooms?" 

"I love it! It already has pink walls!" She said while dangling her legs more and punching her arms in the air. "Oh yeah? Sounds awesome! What about you N/N?"

"Alright I guess. Got a lot of space."

"Oh alright." My mom said smiling at me while eating her food. "Are you excited kids? You're going to school tomorrow!" My dad said while smiling at Susie and I.

"Who would ever be excited to go to school..."

"W-Well Susie does look very excited.." My dad said while looking at me with a sad smile.

"AND I AM!" Susie smiled proud and bright after saying that. "That's the spirit!" 


After dinner we all went to our rooms to unpack our stuff... We were done with unpacking actually very quickly-. 

I looked around in my room. The only thing left is the decoration.. but I can do that tomorrow.

I laid down on my bed thinking... About nothing really. Then my door creaked opening slightly. It was my mom. "Look, sweetie, I'm sorry." 

"It's alright mom." She then smiled at me slightly. "Goodnight dear." 

"Goodnight mom." She then walked out of my room. Then an idea shot in my head.

Omg, I should probably lay out some clothes for tomorrow.

I stood up again and walked to my closet. "Mmh..." I hummed as I thought to myself. I took out some clothes and laid them on my bed.

"Oh my god! That's the perfect outfit!" I said out loud as I looked at the clothes on my bed. I folded them back again and laid them on the end of my bed.

Then I went back to bed and closed my eyes...

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A/N:  the way i js turned u guys american lmfao GAWD BLESS MURICAHHHH

(930 words)

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