3. Meet The Afton's At Dinner

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A/N: (sowwy pookies. my ass got no motivation.... anyways!)

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"Y/N, These are our new neighbors.."
"The Afton's"


These words made me scream inside. No fucking way. There's.. No... Fucking... Way.

I walked closer to the door to see a slender man. A woman with strawberry blonde hair. A little girl with the same hair as her mother. A boy that looked like he cried just recently. And the devil in person. Michael Afton.

My dad put his hand on my shoulder. "Say 'Hello' Y/N." 

I pushed his hand away from my shoulder and looked back at the Afton's. Or more at Michael with a disgusted and shocked face.

"Uh.. Hi..." I said, still pretty shocked about the quick see again. 

"The name's William. Nice to meet you, Y/N right?" The slender man stuck his hand out to me and I shook it awkwardly and nodded. The strawberry blonde woman gave me a warm hug. "Oh it's so nice to meet you Y/N! I'm Clara! Michael told us, you guys met at school already!" 

I froze and my eyes widened and I just smiled awkwardly and nodded "Y- yeah.. We already met..."

"I'm sorry if he has been troubling you, there's no need to feel ashamed or so right now, he made the mistake of annoying you, okay? Don't feel bad.." She pulled back and smiled at me and I nodded. 

The little girl walked up to me with a bright smile and stuck her hand out to me. "Hi! I'm Elizabeth! But you can call me Liz." I smiled at her and shook her hand. "This is my brother Evan! He's shy but he'll warm up to you!" 

I knelt down to his level. "Hi, Evan. I'm Y/N." I stuck my hand out to him and he hesitantly shook it, before giving me a small smile. 

"Michael go say hello." Clara asked him as I got up. 

"No way in hell I'm doing that!-"

"Michael Terrance Afton!" William looked at him furiously and Michael flinched at his words before looking at me quite scared but still annoyed. "Hey." 


"So, come in come in! Dinner is ready soon!" As these words came out of my mom's mouth my blood started boiling. "Dad can I talk to you for a second?" I asked innocently. I didn't want to let my anger out on my mom because she's always been super nice and gentle with me... Unlike my dad. "Yes, sure princess." He and I walked into the hallway.

"What the fuck!? Why would you invite them here?!" 

"Y/N calm down!"

"No! Mom told you about what happened in school! It would've been so easy if you just went to dinner at their house! Now I have to attend!"

"Y/N (M/N) L/N! It's important to get along with everyone! And if you misbehave at the table you're grounded for 2 weeks! Understood!?" I clenched my fists and my face got red out of anger. "I hate you." With that said, I walked into the dining room and sat down obviously mad.


The food finally arrived and everyone was seated. For example:

           .            Me         Michael            .                                             Liz      Evan    
          |                                                        |                                       |                              |
Dad  |                Adult table                 |  Mom                           |    Kids table     |
          | ______________________|                                       |____________|
                     William      Clara                                                                Susie

We all started eating and Liz kept asking questions like: can you do this, can you do that, etc. Occasionally, Michael would step onto my foot and then I'd scold him, and his father even more.

"So, Y/N, has Michael made you any other problems?" William asked and I shook my head. "Not so far, sir." I responded and he chuckled. I felt quite uneasy under his eyes, like he's up to something... But at the same time he seems nice and quite charming.

"I'm going into my room." I finished my plate and stood up quickly before anyone could say anything and just walked into my room. I was bored so I texted Paula.

Me: hey paula xd

Paula: hai scene kween :3

Me: guess wht happend 2day x0 

Paula: OMG wht happend!!?!!?!?!???!

Me: michael fuckton is my new neighbor n my dad decided to invite him n his fam 4 dinner >n<

Paula: WHAT?!??!?!? NO WAY!!!! DIDNT U TELL UR DAD???

Me: I DID!!!!

Paula: girly sry but ur dad sux...

Me: ikr

Paula: anyway, wna go 2 da mall tmrw? i heard a new hot topic AND spencers opend next 2 each othr!!!

Me: BET!!

Paula: YIPPIE :3 we can use my dads car tmrw after school!!! 

Me: alr!!! cya emo girl!

Paula: dnt act like u rnt urself!!!! >:( anyway BYE BYE !!!! <3

I smiled and turned my phone off after hearing a knock, it was the devil himself, Michael Afton.

"The fuck do you want?"

"Michael Fuckton?"

"It's rude to read private messages from others!"

"It's also rude to gossip and insult someone, cunt."

"Bastard." I rolled my eyes and stood up wanting him to go away

"So the mall tomorrow huh?"

"None of your business." 

"Fuck off I'll make your life a living hell..."

"...Especially tomorrow." With these words he left my room and I threw myself on my bed and groaned. I sat up again and just went into my bathroom and removed my make-up....

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(851 words)

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