CHAPTER 3 : Eyes Similar to Mine

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A/N : Hey people! So here is another chapter!🤗 Thanks a lot once again for wanting to continue this story! I am trying my best for all of you who haven't left me yet♡ (^з^)-☆

Naruto walked down the familiar corridors with his hands folded behind his head, whistling random tunes. He was reminiscing about his old days. He could still see the images of his younger self and his friends: Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Choji, Rock Lee, Hyuga Hinata, Sabaku no Kankuro, and Inuzuka Kiba. Although Kiba was younger, they got along well due to their similar taste in sports and their alike personalities. And of course, there was his boyfriend, Sai, walking with the group towards the locker room. They were all troublemakers as kids, especially Naruto. He remembered how he used to prank his teachers and other students back in those days.

His pranks never got old. He would leave the classroom door open slightly to balance a dirty duster on the width of the door and would wait in anticipation to see who took the bait. Surprisingly, everyone fell for it without exception. He would not even think of the consequences before painting offensive yet funny things over the enormous photo frames of important personalities of the school, which decorated the main hall of the building. He was ruthless as a middle schooler. When he reached high school, he found himself a bunch of good friends who always tried to talk sense into him until eventually he stopped with his pranks.

'Nobody likes me anyway, so why not just have some fun... I've got nothing to lose anyway,' had been his ideology.

Naruto thought he was walking down his memory lane. The school held too many memories for him, precious memories: memories of his struggles, his foolishness, his enjoyment, his boyfriend...

He soon found himself standing in front of the sports room, where all the sports supplies were kept. Beside that room was Gai sensei's office. He knocked on the door and stepped away. In less than a second, the door blasted open with a bang. At that moment, Naruto was glad he had moved away from the door; otherwise, he would have received an earth-shattering slap from that piece of wood.

"Naruto! My youthful student!"

Gai had made a 'dynamic entry'. He stood in front of Naruto for a moment and did not waste another second in pulling his old student into a tight hug. Naruto returned his hug with the same enthusiasm.

"Say sensei, how have you been? I bet you missed me, hm. "

Naruto concluded with a cocky grin. He had also missed Guy-sensei; after all, he was the only sensei who would make his students run 60 laps of the field on their first lesson together. Oh, and Rock Lee was the only one who was insane enough to catch up with him. He actually ran 100 laps on the first day...

"I have been at my best! Look at my manly features! My spring has not ended yet, whereas look at you! Your youth is exploding!"

They both laughed as they talked about the past and updated each other on their present. After almost 15 minutes of idle talk, Gai told Naruto about the work he was supposed to do for the day. Upon seeing the work he was told to do, he started wondering about how Gai sensei had kept up with all of it. He knew he had an unmatched amount of stamina, but still! Less than a few months had passed after the beginning of the session, and he already had so many things to do.

However, Naruto subconsciously felt a sense of relief upon seeing the workload of his sensei. He felt needed. He wasn't a burden to Tsunade or Gai sensei, but of a great help.

"Thank you, Naruto! In all honesty, I've been in dire need of an assistant coach. Now, I can enjoy whatever is left of my youth during the evenings. After all, I'll never be young like this again! Haha!"

Gai strode off into his office and began working again. Naruto scribbled in his planner that Gai-sensei had just handed to him. He had three lessons to supervise today as Gai would be busy with the soccer and track and field teams.

Since Gai had told him that he could do whatever he wanted in his free time for today, Naruto chose to go to the terrace and get some shut-eye before the second lesson began, in which he would be dealing with the 16-year-old lot.


Sasuke's first lesson was quite eventful for him, in his opinion. Hatake Kakashi, his psychology teacher, was, as usual, late for the class. He was not only Sasuke's teacher but also his mentor. They shared quite a personal relationship. Though Sasuke had never made efforts to reach out to him first, he had always held a soft spot in him for Kakashi, which was all the more reason for Sasuke to drive him away. Kakashi was teaching about the 'Need Heirarchy Theory' today, which Sasuke already knew by heart, so he took the opportunity to renew his energy and basically spent the entire lesson sleeping, dreaming of tomatoes He knew he was hungry, but this was too much. He woke up to the sound of the bell ringing for the second lesson.

'Ugh... I don't have the energy to run 100 laps today,'

Sasuke groaned inwardly as he stood up and made his way to his locker to grab his sports outfit. He wasn't particularly against the idea of running laps, but he was just not feeling like it today. He walked lazily to the changing room and quickly changed into his set of black shorts and t-shirt. He was about to head to the field when a hand grabbed his arm tightly and stopped him in his tracks. He turned around only to come face to face with Sakura.

'Not again, please... I don't want to be rude to her again and again. Just leave me alone already!'

Sasuke's thoughts were interrupted as Sakura spoke.

"Hi Sasuke-kun! Let's go to the field together!"

"No, go away," Sasuke said, staring at her with a slight scowl on his face.

"Aww, are you shy? There's no need to be! Trust me, everyone here knows you're my future boyfriend."

Sakura went on and on without stopping to even take a breath. Sasuke was slowly losing his shit. All those passing by had started giving them looks. Heck, some had even stopped in their tracks to listen in on their conversation and make up gossip. He hated this. He hated being in the limelight, especially for false reasons.

"Get away from me! Who in their right mind would like you if you are this annoying?"

Sasuke snapped at her right there in the middle of the corridors. He didn't mean to, but he had to. And this attracted a lot of unwanted attention, in his opinion. Sakura ultimately ran away with tears streaming down her face. A sigh escaped Sasuke's lips as he watched her leave and run towards the girls' washroom.

'That should keep her away from me for a while...'

Sasuke was about to head towards the field when he felt another hand grab his shoulder. This time, the grip was stronger, almost hurting him.


Sasuke heard a raspy voice from behind him, which sent a shiver down his spine, but he remained calm. He let out an obvious "Tch" and turned around to face the source of that heavenly voice.

"Now what do you want fr-"

Sasuke stopped mid-sentence when his gaze fell upon the most attractive man he had ever encountered in the last 16 years of his life. His blond hair looked golden under the sunlight, which illuminated the hallway. The whiskers on his cheeks gave him a feral yet soft look. His tanned skin sat perfectly over his facial bones, making his sharp features look godlier than they were supposed to be. And his eyes... his eyes were a hypnotic blue, like the sky had settled on them. They kept staring into each other's eyes, neither of them attempting to break away from the other's gaze.

Sasuke noticed the man's eyes widen slightly for a short moment before returning to the original emotion they held when they first made eye contact: anger. However, that brief moment was enough for Sasuke.

'His eyes... are similar to mine.'

A/N : And this was chapter 3, which cost me almost all of my brain cells...🫡 Anyways, thanks a lot once again for sparing time for this story♡ I hope you like this one as well.
See you in the next part(^3^)/
Author sound out ~✌🏻

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