Chapter Sixty One ;; Fallout

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I opened my eyes and instantly felt a pounding, sharp pain in my head, causing me to let out a whimper. I held my head and went to sit up, but Seth, who had rested my head in his lap, gently motioned me to lie back down. I lied there for a short moment before shooting up and looking around the room.

"Baby, you need to lie down." Seth suggested.

I heard him, but I ignored him.

"Baby-" he started to speak again, but I cut him off. "Where's Dean?" I questioned.

"I don't know, just please lie back down," he pleaded, putting his hands on my shoulders.

I looked up, into his eyes, trying my best to look past how sweet he looked. "You hit me," I cried, rubbing my cheek.

"It was an accident, I was trying to hit-"

"Dean right? You were going to hit Dean, after I asked you to keep your cool with him." I yelled, cutting him off.

"Baby, please" Seth tried pleading with me.

I stood up, losing my balance some, but Seth helped me catch myself.

"You know I would never purposely hit you Leah." Seth assured.

I felt myself almost wanting to kiss him, but I fought it. I pulled myself away from him and said, "Maybe, but you did hit me Seth and you tried to hit Dean.. You can go to the hotel alone tonight and I'll find Ro, so I can stay with them tonight."

"What about Seth and Ella?" Seth questioned, sounding annoyed.

"Ro has them, so they'll come with me."

Seth ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. "Fine." He agreed.

I exited the room, keeping myself from looking back at him. I may have been really mad at him, but I still didn't wanna see him upset. I began my search for Roman and Dean.

As I was walking through the backstage area, everyone was shooting me all kind of different looks. I could understand why the were, but what was going on between Seth, Dean, and I, is really none of their business, so I ignored their looks the best I could.

I finally spotted Dean and Roman. They were in the cafeteria and seemed to be frustrated. Roman was holding Seth in his arms as Ella appeared to be sleeping in her car seat. Dean was just sitting on a table with his feet in a chair, looking down at the ground. The sight of Dean looking so down made me feel so bad for him. With my cheek in my hand, I decided to walk up to them.


So many thought were roaming my mind, I really didn't know which emotion I felt more.. It saddens me that Seth and I are having a disagreement like this, I mean we've disagreed in the past, but never like this. I was also so pissed off though, I felt like punching him in his little sellout face!

Before I could grasp my thoughts, I heard Leah walking toward Roman and I. I was almost surprised to see her without Seth, but then again I wasn't.

I kicked the chair my feet were on out of my way and I hopped off the table, walking toward Leah. I instantly gave her a hug and asked, "Are you okay?"

She pulled from my hug pretty quickly and responded, "I'm fine, are you okay?"

I was taken by the fact she was concerned about me, I mean she was the one who got knocked out, but then again that's just Leah's caring nature.

"I'm always okay." I admitted, noticing she was covering her cheek with her hand. I gently removed her hand and rubbed her cheek with my thumb.

"It looks swollen," Roman noticed.

"Does it hurt?" I questioned her.

"A little, but its okay," she claimed.

I rubbed her cheek for a moment longer before I took my hand away and offered, "I'll go get you some ice."


As Dean removed his hand from my cheek and walked off to get me some ice, I placed my hand back where his had been and rubbed it. I just never knew how nurturing Dean could be. I mean I knew he wasn't the complete, jerky ass hole that everyone talked him up to be, but this was definitely a different side coming from him, and I actually liked it.

I was so lost in thought over Dean's nurturing actions, Ro's voiced startled me.

"Whoa, I didn't mean to startle you," Ro apologized, laughing a little.

I laughed for a second and said, "No, you're okay."

"Is Seth coming to meet you and the babies here, so you guys can leave?" Roman asked.

"No, we're going wherever you and Dean are going tonight." I explained.

Roman gave me a look, but he didn't really question me. I think he understood my decision to stay away from Seth for the night, so he didn't really feel the need to question me.

I then saw Dean appearing in the corner of my eye. I turned and saw him carrying a plastic bag that was half filled with ice and tied in the middle. I couldn't help, but smile as he handed it to me.

"Thanks Ambrose."

"You're welcome Wyatt."

We all shared a smiled as I gently pressed the ice against my swollen cheek. I squinted my face up a bit as I felt it sting some.

"Are you guys ready to leave?" Ro asked.

"Yes, lets go." Dean suggested, picking up Ella's car seat. I went to pick up Seth's which was empty because Ro was still holding him, but Dean stopped me.

"I'll get this one too." he insisted.

I gave him a small smile, so he knew I was okay with it and as Ro and him headed toward the parking lot and to the car, I followed quickly behind them, still holding the bag of ice to my face.


We got to the hotel room and as I walked in, I noticed there were two rooms. The main room, which had a bed, TV, couch, and small kitchen, and the other room had another bed and a bathroom. I moved the bag of ice from my face and said, "I can sleep on the couch."

"No you're not." Ro informed.

"Its only right, this is yours and Dean's room-" I started to explain, but was cut off by Dean.

"Ro's right, I'll take the couch and you and the babies can have the other room."

I looked up at the both of them, feeling super thankful I had friends like them. I gave them each a hug and thanked them again for everything. I told them goodnight and took the twins into our room. I stared to get them changed for bed and just looking at them made me miss Seth much more. We usually do this bedtime routine together and not having him here felt terrible.

Thoughts of him almost made me want to call him, but I knew it would be best not to. I know what he did was really wrong, but at the same time he's done nothing wrong to his kids and I'm sure being away from them is hard, so I took out my phone and took a quick picture of them in their cute, little nighttime onesies and sent Seth a text saying, "Goodnight daddy, we love you."

I then put my phone on the night stand next to the bed, before placing both the babies in this play pen Seth bought for them, that I always make sure to bring with us for when we stay in hotels. After I made sure they were okay, I walked over to the bed and lied down as far as I could to the left side, where I was used to lying. I turned to my right where Seth usually would be and just clanged on to a pillow.

I buried my face in the pillow as I continued to cling to it and couldn't help, but to let out some tears. I cried quietly for what felt like hours, but I'm sure were only a few minutes, before falling asleep.

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