Chapter Thirty Seven ;; Aftermath

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I didn't move, I just cried, clinging onto Seth and Dean. I could hear sirens, crying, and people talking.. It sounded like a huge mess of noise, so I couldn't make out words of what anyone was saying. I has so many thoughts clouding my head. I thought about the last thing Bray had even said to me, which wasn't much just "Lets go Leah." I didn't get to say goodbye, Bray will never meet his niece or nephew(s), as they won't meet their Uncle, and I couldn't help but blame myself.. I mean it was me who pissed Randy off so much and it was me who even got involved with him. Now just like my parents he's gone and its all on me.

I felt Seth and Dean standing up and they pulled me up with them.

"Come on baby," Seth sweetly directed, as he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. I could hear the sadness in his voice, which made me feel even worse. Like me, Seth had blood all over himself. Even part of the blonde in his hair was now red. He was still shirtless from his match and limping, but he still managed to carry most of my weight as we exited the arena together, followed by Dean.

As we appeared outside the arena there were tons of fans, divas, superstars, paparazzi, and police. The red and blue lights from the police cars filled the night sky. As blurry as my vision was from all the crying, I was able to spot Roman talking to a police officer. Seeing all the police enraged me. It was people like them who didn't protect Bray from this. If they would have just kept Randy in jail, this would have never happened! Those thoughts screamed at me in my head. I became even more enraged as I caught a glimpse of Randy inside the police car. I don't know what came over me, but I ripped myself from Seth's arms and I made my way over the window, of the car, Randy was in. I almost got there when one of the officers stopped me.

"Your not aloud over here ma'am" he said as he put his arms up at me.

I pushed them away, stared right at Randy and started screaming, "I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU!"

The officer grabbed a hold of me. "Calm down ma'am," he started to raise his voice some.

Before I could try to break away from him Seth pulled him off of me. "Hey man." he yelled. it wasn't long before Dean and Roman were also guarding me.

"She has to calm down!" The officer barked at them.

I walked up to him, looked him dead in the eyes and said, "Listen I just lost my brother, so maybe its you who needs to calm down. Better yet, why don't you call your police friends in New York and ask them WHY THE HELL THEY LET SOMEONE OUT OF JAIL HO TRIED TO KILL ME!" My voice grew louder and meaner as I spoke.


Leah was getting a little intense as she screamed louder and louder at the police officer. I couldn't blame her though, not after what she just lost. Not to mention the officer was being a complete ass. I would have probably already shut him up myself if it wasn't for what had already taken place.. I don't think Leah needs her boyfriend getting arrested tonight.

As she got closer and closer to him, I had no choice, but to grab her and pull her away from him. I didn't want her to do anything she may regret and I damn sure didn't wanna have to kick an officer's ass tonight. She fought me some, but I was able to calm her down after a few short moments. She begin to cry into my chest as I ran my fingers through her hair. I kissed the top of her head and couldn't help tearing up myself.


I became increasingly worried as I heard tons of commotion, followed by faded sirens. I pulled out my cell and tried to call Roman. When he didn't answer I decided to go look for him. As soon as I stepped outside I didn't really see anything out of the ordinary, so I continued to head down the hall way.

Not too long after I saw blood all over the floor along with some splattered on the walls. My heart instantly dropped as I placed my hands on the sides of my head. I looked a bit more and notice there was crime scene tape around the area. I didn't hesitate one more moment, I took off running, following the bloody foot prints.

I finally reached the outside of the arena, which was flooded with people. All I really wanted to do was spot Roman, so I knew he was okay. I fought through the crowd of people until I reached the front of it. I saw Roman, along with Dean, Seth, and Leah near a police car.

"ROMAN!" I yelled as I ran into his arms. He hugged me pretty tight.

"Layla, are you okay?" Roman questioned.

"Me? Of course, what about you?" I asked as I held my hands on his face, he looked like he had been crying, which made me worry.

"I'm okay but-" he paused.

"But what!?" I freaked.

"Randy shot Bray and it killed him." As Roman said those words I heard Leah let out a loud cry and Seth gripped her tighter.

Part of me was still happy that Roman was okay, but most of me felt so bad for Leah. I started to tear up as Roman hugged me.

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