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 btw if you didn't fully read last chapter grades are -1 from years so like 

year 10 = grade nine

𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙩𝙣𝙚𝙮 𝙨𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙖

the start of year ten. fuck my life

i stepped out of my black car, i just got my liscence.

this year was gonna be different. but not in a good way

my heart pounded in my chest. i've never actually experienced being anxious before. i'm courtney fucking satella. get it together.

this was so out of pocket for me, but i knew the cause of it, everyone knew the cause of it.

yep, you guessed it! duncan.

usually i'd blush at even hearing his name, now? i'd probably start crying.

i never have and never will understood why he did it. i was nothing but good to him, nothing but loyal and yet he screwed me over. big time.

what did he do? you may be asking. i'll tell you alright.


skip to about 2 days ago

i was lying on duncan, scrolling through tiktok when i got a notification.

cody, again! 

he never gets the hint of me not liking him. he does this to every girl. i cleared the notification and ignored it until i heard duncan pipe up from behind me.

'what was that' 

'oh just cody hitting on me again, i've turned him dow-' i said, being cut off mid sentence.

'well clearly you haven't since he keeps messaging you.'

'oh please, don't overthink it he's just desperate' i said, trying to reassure him, even if it wasn't in the nicest of tones

'yeah whatever, you're not speaking to that kid anymore. don't hang out with him' he said, in a selfish tone controllingly. then he lied back down and put his airpods in.

i harshly took the airpods out and half-slammed them on the desk, standing up and facing him, watching him sit up. 

he looked fucking vexed, but i didn't care.

'excuse me? first off, why would i want to hang out with him and secondly, who are you to tell me what i can and can't do,'

'don't fucking yank my airpods out my ear court they're expensive, and clearly you want to hang out with him since you haven't blocked him' he muttered under his breath, clearly not thinking about his words before saying them.

'jealous fucking prick' i said, under my breath thinking he didn't hear me.

oh how wrong i was.

'don't fucking call me jealous, bitch' he spat.

'i'll call you whatever i want until it proves to not be true, you act all tough and controlling when honestly, you're just an insecure, controlling, jealous asshole.' i remarked about him, seeing his eyebrows furrow even harder, and his face getting even more angrier.

'you're just a slut who will get with anyone who gives her attention.' he said, coldly, trying not to show his anger.

i had always suspected that he was losing interest, but i thought it was just the overthinker in me, now he'd confirmed it. he definitely did not feel the same way as he used to. 

he lost feelings.

i looked at him, stung by his words.

'fuck.. you' i said, trembling, feeling the lump in my throat grow.

'how about you go invite gwen over, i'm sure she'd love to be controlled by you.' i said, slamming his bedroom door and walking out of his house before giving him the chance to reply.

i sat in my car for about five minutes, crying before actually driving off. and in those five minutes guess who came walking around the corner.

gwen fucking ingrid.

i watched him open the door and kiss her, thinking that i wasn't there.

as soon as i saw it happen i immediately stepped on the accelerator (my bad if this isn't accurate) and drove off. 

now i'm not one to speed.  but let's just say i was definitely going over the limit when i was on my way home.


skip back to present.

i'd rather stop thinking about that now and instead i walked up to the front gates where heather and bridgette were waiting for me.

as i began to walk i saw them.

duncan. and the boyfriend kisser.

they were engrossed in eachother, swapping spit and in a whole nother world. 

it looked passionate.

i stood there for a couple seconds before realising my face was wet, it wasn't raining? then i realised while i was zoned out, i'd started crying.

nice one courtney! really just let him know that if affected you.


i sped walked up to heather and bridgette and immediately made them come to the toilets with me. i just leaned on the wall and slowly ended up reaching the ground where i decided to sit down.

i broke down then and there.

heather on my left, bridgette on my right.

'whats wrong?'

they kept on asking me yet i couldn't even speak. the lump in my throat was too big. i thought i was over it but when i saw them together i just broke. it was too much for me to handle. the cork popped out my bottle of emotions, and it wouldn't stop pouring out.

my hyper ventilation was going crazy. i could barely breathe and the tears wouldn't stop flowing.

i hadn't told anyone yet, i'd just spent the last few days silently sobbing under the covers.


'oh i'm gonna fucking kill him and that emo bitch' i heard heather mutter under her breath as she stormed out.

bridge stayed with me, we were wrapped in a tight hug, i don't know how long it was for, but i needed it.

after about 5 minutes i heard shouting, heathers voice. let's just say she found out where duncan and gwen was.

i ended up finding myself laughing with bridgette about heathers over protectiveness, that lightened the mood up a bit. 

and by now i think i'd be able to get through the rest of the school day if i stayed with bridge and heather.

a/n *gasps for air*

oh my lord this took so long. this is my first book by the way so feel free to laugh at me or give constructive critisizm

i'll probably write chapter 2 tomorrow or somethingg.

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