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bridgette | 8:12am

she looked exhausted. 

the bags under her eyes looked horrendous, she looked like she'd been wearing the same makeup for 2 days straight, i could see the glue on her half fallen off individuals.

this is not the heather i know.

what was wrong with her?

did her and alejandro break up..? surely not. she hadn't said anything and they went on a date just this saturday..

i tapped her on the shoulder after seeing her smack tyler around the face with pure anger in her eyes. she turned around acting as if nothing had happened, but i could see it.

i could see the tears in her eyes holding back.

she looked at me with a smile on her face but you could tell that something wasn't right just by the glint in her eyes.

what could tyler of done to make heather do that..?

heather | 8:17

bridgette was on my left and courtney on my right, i wasn't even looking at them but i could feel the worried stares looking at me. i knew that they knew something wasn't right.

i wanted to tell them but it was like there was a sword in my throat that stroked deeper whenever i even started a sentence to try and say anything.

i felt eyes on the back of my head as our trio was walking down the corridor, why were all these people looking at me, i get that i don't look my best today, but why?

i heard whispers as i walked down the corridor about a 'picture' of some sort..? what the fuck were they all on about.. what picture?

whatever, i'm too tired to worry about any of this. i just wanted to huddle up into a ball and pass out. we made our way to class but i told courtney and bridgette to go ahead because i needed some fresh air.

i walked outside and saw alejandro. it immediately made me think about earlier and i thought maybe if i tried to speak out about what tyler had done, and where i'd been maybe he'd understand and it'd get easier for me to help get the justice for what he'd done to me.

when alejandro saw me, he looked.. angry? i get that he might be a little bit hurt over what had happened at the gates but, he looked vexed. furious. but with a glint of hurt in his eyes. surely he hadn't taken my outburst too much to heart? right.

i made my way up to him and he got even angrier as i took each step. suddenly he whipped out his phone.

"what the fuck is THIS?" he said in a scary tone.

it was a picture of me and tyler " kissing " that he'd took when i was unconcious and then i saw him swipe left to a video of tyler, raping me.

he had recorded it all. and posted it for everyone to see.

not only that, but he'd captioned it to look like i had consented to it all, then he'd sent it to alejandro and his story.

what does tyler have against me that he wants to ruin his life.

after a minute of hesitation, i tried to reply but sobs were aching my throat and i felt overwhelmed by everything.

i didn't know what to say, or do.

so i cried.

but alejandro didn't know why. his unsympathetic looks made me hurt even more, i felt the tears rolling further down my cheek and my face becoming soaked with the salt water from my eyes. i tried to make myself stop  but i just couldnt. they kept rolling down my face. i wanted to explain myself so badly, but i couldn't.

i felt.. silenced.

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