chapter4~marriage dates❤

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On the way of office. Pallavi ask"parth we need to talk".arjun stop the car.

Pallavi ask"how could you do this parth how can you get marry with someone else".

Arjun said"pallavi understand maa want me to get marry her I am really sorry".

Pallavi said"then what about me".with fake tears.

Arjun said"I know I am doing wrong with you but forgive I am helpless ".

Pallavi said angrily" So this was your love".

Arjun said"pallavi for me my maa is important more than anyone".

Pallavi get down from the car and said"so bye not goodbye parth ".and she left.

Arjun banged his hand on car door he angrily left to office.

In hospital:

Subha was checking the papers. After she was done. She goes for a surgery. It has been 6 clock. She was sitting on chair.

Suddenly her phone rang she pick up call and said"hello maa".

Rohini said"subha priest can't come but he tell us date of marriage ok so you can come on regular time pritha will not come today".

Subha said"ok maa".

Rohini said"ok dear bye".

Subha smiled and said*bye maa".

She cut the call.

Subha take a deep breath and starr to do her work.

In kapoor office.

Yash entered in arjun cabin and said"arjun because of some problem priest can't come so he tell us marriage date on call so we don't need to go to subha house today".

Arjun nodded. Yash goes near him and caressed his hair and said"are you happy parth ".

Arjun said" Yes bhai i am".with a smile.

Yash smiled and said"tomorrow we all are going for shopping for your marriage ".

Arjun nodded. Yash left.

In kapoor house:

Pritha and naksh were in Hall. Devaki and vala were in kitchen. Kids were playing in Hall with sahdev.

Naksh said" Maa when we are going for shopping tomorrow ".

Pritha said" At 10 am we will go".

Naksh ask"and what is marriage date".

Pritha said"it's is on subha birthday 7th july. "

Naksh said"cool means on one day two celebration".

Pritha nodded.

Suddenly door bell rang. Servent open the door pranit Arjun yash and bheem came.

Pranit said"pritha you didn't tell me date which priest suggest".

Pritha said"it is 7th July".

Pranit said"means only one month is remain".

Bheem said"why are you worrying dad we are here we will take responsible what say yash bhai and naksh".

They both nodded.

Sahdev came and said"i will take responsibility of inviting guest".

Devaki and vala came and said"and we will take care of catering ".

Pritha said" Great so now everyone should get ready from tomorrow we all will work for my parth wedding ".

Arjun smiled at his mom word.

They get there dinner.

Pritha said" Go and get up early in morning we are going for shopping don't forgot".

All nodded.

In yadav house.

Subha reached at home. She get fresh and sit on dining table with her family.

Vasu said"subha get ready tomorrow earlier we are going for wedding shopping ".

Subha nodded.

Nishanth said" Who's wedding is going to be held and when".

Rukmini said"your subha bua her marriage with Arjun on 7th July ".

Nishanth ask"after you marriage you will leave us na".with tears.

Subha hug him and said"no I will come regular to meet you".

Vasu caressed her hair.

After sometime everyone went to sleep.

To be continued.

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Parthjaya ❤

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