chapter18~you are something♥

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Subha walk up and see herself in his arms and he was holding her in his arms tightly. She was looking at him. She try to get up but he pulled her and she landed on his chest.

Arjun slowly open his eyes and see most beautiful face of his wife. Subha look at him.she try to get up but he again pulled and by mistake she kissed his neck leaving her lipstick mark on his neck. She look at him.Both shared a deep eyelock. There eyes locked was broke by a knock on door. Subha get up and open the door to see her brother krishna has came to meet.

Krishna hug his sister and said"how are you ".caring her head.

Subha said" I am all fine what about you snd Rukmini bhabhi and everyone ".

Krishna said" All are fine dear all miss you a lot".

Arjun came and said"today early morning visit say man how are you".

Krishna said"actually...... But stop seeing lipstick mark on his neck and said"parth I think I came at wrong time".

Arjun said"why do you think so"with confusion.

Krishna pointed towards his neck and said "this lipstick mark tell me".

Subha look at Arjun neck it was her lipstick mark. Arjun look at her but she excuse them and ran from there to balcony.

Arjun said" It's actually ... Krishna said"say parth".

Arjun said"Krishna let me get ready I will meet you later ok bye".

He goes to get ready. He come out of washroom suddenly subha entered she was thinking how to face him. So she take clothes and goes to get ready. Arjun get ready and goes down and start to have a talk with Krishna .

After getting ready subha goes down and see everyone.

Krishna gave a box and said"kavya has send it she by mistakenly send it on yadav mansion address so she tell me to deliver you . Subha take the box.

She open it and found a album of her kavya and subha family pictures then she remove a little box and in that there was a bracelet then see a letter she take it and read slowly.

Hi subha didi you know i really want to see your marriage but what can i do I can't come now because of events. But wish you a happy married life my sister may you get all happiness in world and yeah there is box name of my jiju so give it to him. I love you take care.

Subha smile and she found a box on it Arjun name was written so she gave it to him and said"she gift this to you".

She has gift subha a bracelet of pearls and a girl pendant on it and there was a boy pendant on Arjun bracelet similarly like naksh.

Subha said"naksh you and kavya are similar she also gifted same like you".

Naksh said"hmm but why she didn't came for you wedding ".

Subha said" Actually she has events so she didn't came".

Naksh nodded.

Pritha said"Krishna sit lets have breakfast

Pranit said"yes Krishna come".

They all sit and have breakfast.

Yash bhim dev came and joined breakfast.

Val and devaki help subha to served.

Krishna smiled mischievous and said"sorry subha i distrub you early morning ".

Subha glared at him know his word meaning she said with her eyes stop it but our Krishna can never stop teasing his sister so he continued " And you to my dear best friend parth ".

All very confused. Arjun look down in embrassement.

After sometime Krishna hug his sister and other and left to office.

Everyone left to there work only val devaki subha and pritha were present at home.

Subha was well bounded with everyone except Arjun. She was blushed because of morning incident.

In kapoor company.

Yash Arjun bhim were busying in meeting while pranit was check some paper work.

After sometime yash bhim Arjun left to there respective cabin.

Arjun sit on his chair and think"from now I should not reach at home late I should leave with papa yash bhai and bhim bhai or subha will be remaining hungry till the time he will not came home. "

It was 7 30 Arjun goes inside pranit cabin and see yash and bhim present he said"papa I am leave home are you all joining ".

All got shocked and look at watch it was 7 3o and he was asking to leave to home at this time but agree as its there regularly time to leave office.

It was 8 everyone came home back. For every shocked Arjun also came on time. All were confused. Subha was in her room she removed Arjun clothes and keep it on bed. She was arrange her dress in wardrobe. Suddenly Arjun entered in room he see subha looking beautiful in red saree which contrast her milky skin . Feeling his presence she look back. She got shocked seeing him at home in this time. As he use to be too late person.

Arjun keep in phone on bed and take cloths from bed and goes to fresh up. Suddenly his phone starts to rang. Subha take his phone and knocked washroom door and said"someone has called you".

Arjun said"answer the call and tell me what the person wants to say".

Subha picked up called and it was wrong number he come out of washroom with wearing his T-shirt. Subha look him for a moment then turned her face. Arjun first got confuse then realize and wear his t shirt and ask"whose call had came".

Subha replied "it's wrong call".

Arjun nodded and they both goes for dinner.

After having dinner Arjun was with pranit in Hall discussion something it 11 so they goes to sleep.

Arjun entered in room and see subha sleeping like a child a smile crept on his lips he goes near bed and laid on his side. He was not getting sleep. He was continuously change position. At last he get up from bed and goes to the balcony with is attached to his room.

Subha noticed it she get up and goes to kitchen she make almond milk for Arjun and take it to room. She see him standing in balcony. She pick up glass and goes near Arjun. Arjun turned towards her. Subha forward a glass of milk to him. He look at her and take it.

Subha said"if I was not her may you will be sleeping peacefully right".

Arjun was shocked he understanding what she meant to say.

Arjun said"it's nothing like that i never get sleep natural I use to take pills but .. He stopped.

Subha said"then you must call me".

Arjun said"you were sleeping so peaceful I don't want to disturb your sleeping already I distrub your happy life".

Subha hide her tears from him. Arjun finished the glass of milk and keep it near a table .

Arjun came towards subha and said"I don't know you too much but you are really something ".saying this he sleep on bed within a second.

Subha questioned herself" What does he mean".

She laid on other side of bed and covered him with blanket.

To be continued.

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What does he mean?

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