chapter11~contract marriage💔

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After the marriage there was subha birthday  .Krishna and vasu bring the cake and newly wed couples were standing in front of cake.

Krishna said"coming dear cut the cake".

Subha smiled at him. Everyone clap then she  blew the candles. She cut the cut. After cutting cake first she feed elders (pranit pritha vasu rohini ram) then she take out peices and was about to feed her brother Krishna when stop her said"you can feed us later first fed your husband dear".

Subha glared at him he always teased her. Subha nervously take the peices of cake near him she was look at him. He smile lightly and have a small bite from her hand. Then he take out a peices and feed her she was look shocked but happy from inside .

Then she feed revathi rukmini val devaki Vrushali Krishna karna rohit naksh yash bhim dev then jaya (dev friend) and kids.

Suddenly some one said"won't you feed me i am you husband best friend subha".

Subha and arjun look at the direction. The voice was of pallavi. Subha take out a price and said"even it enemy I feed them you my husband best friend how can forgot you "little boldness was there in subha while saying this.

Pallavi take the peices and smiled evilly. Arjun was looking at both of them.

Now it was time for subha to leave her house and goes to her law house.

Arjun and subha take blessing from vasu and rohini. Vasu take subha hand and place it on Arjun hand and said" May you both lead a happy life please Arjun it request from a father that you not hurt her she is most precious for me".he kiss his daughter forehead.

Arjun nodded understand his concern. Subha was too emotional she hug her father and cried on his chest the most safest place for her. Vasu hug her back made her calm.

Rohini hug her daughter and she said"pritha I am leave her in your care please take care of her".she kissed cheeks.

Pritha said"she is not coming at my home as daughter in law she is coming like my daughter ".kissing her forehead.

Everyone smiled at her.

Arjun subha moved towards Krishna and rukmini.

Krishna said" Don't forgot you favorite brother because of your husband ".with mischievous smile.

Subha shot back" Who told you that you are my favourite brother ".

Krishna make a sad face subha laugh and hug him and said" You both are my favourite brother".

Krishna smile and hug her and said slowly with was only heard by them"all the best win his heart i know you can".

Subha smile she hug him more tightly when her tears cames out of her eyes.krishna whipped it and kiss her forehead.Then she hug rukmini, rukmini said"no subha dont cry you are my brave princess na so smile".subha smile in tears.

Rukmini said"better you take care of our princess or see what we will do".

Arjun said"don't worry I will "but after saying this he was feeling guilty.

Subha then hug revathi. Revathi said her to take care of herself and be a good daughter in law".she kiss her forehead.

Subha smile at her with tears eyes she is going to miss everyone's care from her house.

Kids hug her and said"we will miss you bua".

She hug them and said"meet too".

Then she went to most important person her ram bhai. She goes near him was about to bend and take his blessings he pulled her in a tight hug he cried hug his beloved sister and kiss her forehead and said"don't forgot that even you left this house this home is always yours you can come any time without hesitate you are princess of this house, your bhai is there for you whenever you want".
While cupping her face with his hand.

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