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In this fic I've tried to keep the description of y/n's appearance to a minimum.  So it's easier for the reader. I'm always up for feedback if anyone of your guys want to add anything.  Hope you enjoy. 

Hobie pulled at his denim jacket, feeling a mix of anticipation and unease as he stepped into this supposedly anarchistic universe. On paper, it sounded like a haven for free spirits, but reality told a different story. The moment he arrived, he could sense that chaos reigned here.

His agile form moved from one decaying building to the next, his senses absorbing the eerie atmosphere of this war-torn city. In the distance, the screech of shells tore through the air, followed by the ominous boom of explosions that rattled the old structures, causing them to groan and crumble further.

"Have you located her yet?" Lyla's cheery voice chimed over the comm of his Spider-Verse watch, contrasting sharply with the grim surroundings.

"Um, yeah, I'm working on it. This place is like something out of 'Mad Max'." Hobie paused and landed on a seemingly stable rooftop. The crunch of gravel, dust, and debris echoed beneath his Dr. Martens.

This marked the third time Spider-Vanta had ignored a summons. Though all Spider-People in the Alliance were required to respond, she seemed uninterested. "Just follow the watch signal, punk!" Lyla retorted sarcastically, her hologram manifesting and pushing back the gloom around him.

"Lyla! Get back in the watch. Someone might see you." Hobie's form flickered around the glowing hologram, slightly distorting it. "Follow the signal!" she pointed, directing his attention to a building that looked like a hollowed out gherkin.

Curiosity gnawing at him, Hobie cautiously ventured through the building, scaling and navigating through its decrepid interiors with the skill of a seasoned Spider. The signal guided him to a derelict hallway and, at the end, a set of heavy metals doors with a crudely spray spider emblem.

Lyla's hologram appeared again, her form walking up to the doors. She spotted a panel to the side, her fingers dancing over it. The doors shuddered open just enough for someone to slip through.

Inside the dim, musty room, Hobie called out for Spider-V, his senses assaulted by a putrid odour as if something had died and festered. In his search, he stumbled over an object on the floor, inadvertently illuminating the room. His eyes widened as he recognized the familiar glow of a Spider-Verse watch, attached to a severed arm.

The acid reflux surged up his throat, stinging as he swallowed hard. "Urh, Lyla, I think Spider-Vanta might be... dead?" He managed to choke out the words, his gaze fixed on the half-decomposed arm.

"Guess that might explain her lack of response," He gulped heavily.

"Ah, clever bitch." Lyla's hologram illuminated the room once more, revealing her kneeling next to the arm, studying it intently.
"She does this great decoy technic. Ten out of ten babe."  she poked a glowing finger in to the  decaying flesh and popped the finger in her mouth.

"Looks like we're going old-school on this one." She mumbled with her finger in her mouth.

"Huh? What do you mean, Lyla?"

"DNA scanning! She cant hide that easily "

Hobie's stomach churned, the same nausea bubbling up again. "Bloody hell, that's right rank," he muttered, his voice echoing in the eerie space.

"Found you!" Lyla congratulated her self withba pat on the back.
" The watch, Hobie! Get it! We need to move quickly she's on the other side of the city."

Before Lyla could finish her sentence, Hobie's lunch made a swift reappearance, splattering onto the floor as he wrestled the watch off the arm. The hand detached from the arm with a gruesome squelch meaning he could slip the watch off handing it to layla.
" you need a mint? Mouth wash?" Lyla taunted.

A warp gate opened. "Chop chop, we don't have all day. She's moving fast."

The cool night air tousled through y/n's hair as she sped down the road, hot on the trail of the vulture patrol. Victory seemed tantalizingly close. But then, an abrupt thud against the roof shattered her focus. Her spider sense tingled, prompting her to slam on the heavy breaks.

Rubble  on the roof wouldn't set off her senses like this. As the van skidded, she heard a voice cry, as a figure  went over the hood of the van  crashing onto the hood. "Urh!" She groaned. She recognised the spider uniform instantly as the body rolled off the hood on to the floor.
She slammed her palms on to the stiring wheel. How did these people find her. She set her base up so it looked like a murder scene.  Her right arm still hadn't quite grown back. It still lacked her regular muscel mass.

A golden-fur coated  woman appeared next to  the fallen Spider, an air of superiority about her.

"This bitch," y/n muttered under her breath, her grip  tightening on the steering wheel. These people had done enough damage to her universe  with their Canon event cult nonsense. The figure climbed into the passenger seat, fazing through the vehicle, and settled herself comfortably.

"Hay, Spider-Vanta, ignoring my calls, huh? I thought we where besties." The computer-generated woman's voice dripped with mockery.

Y/n clenched her teeth, frustrated by the interruption of her quest.  The hologram hadn't been her favorite from the start.

"Oh, your arm grew back nicely. But you seem to have forgotten something... your watchamado." The golden woman twirled the watch around her finger, her words dripping with sardonic amusement.

"There's a little smutz on it, and it smells..."

"Get to the point, glowing woman."

"Lyla! We went over this in induction."

Hobie grimaced on the floor, struggling to right himself, certain he'd dislocated his hip. Pushing through the pain, he managed to his feet just as the headlights blinded him and the engine roared to life. He hobbled back, clicking his hip back into place, and leaped onto the roof as the vehicle lurched forward and sped away.

"Come on Y/n... Miguel's going to disconnect me if you don't show up to this mission. Look its 2 universe over from yours. You'll be back to what ever this is in no time."

Hello friends if your down here thank you I appricate you.
Let me know if you enjoyed.
I've not written in a while but let's see where this goes.

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