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Y/n finally broke the silence, her voice filled with appreciation and gratitude as she thanked Miguel for the meal. The plate in front of her was spotless before Miguel could even make a dent in his own. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt for offering her nothing more than chicken and rice, a portion so small it resembled a child's meal. The old Spider Woman had advised it, claiming it was the best option for her sensitive stomach. Even she could see the toll of an underfed spider person.

Mid-bite into his meal, Miguel glanced over at his "lunch date." He couldn't help but lock eyes with the vacant stare of her spider costume. He paused, wondering if she was looking at his fangs, making him a little self-conscious. He closed his mouth and lowered his food.

"I'm sorry," Y/n protested as she wiped a dribble from her mouth, her gaze fixed on his plate of food.

In a rather uncharacteristic manner, Miguel reached over and took Y/n's plate, shoving it back into her hands. "Go ask Mujer Araña for more pollo y arroz," he instructed, nodding towards the old spider woman.

"Pillow yar zoo?" Y/n attempted to repeat his words, but she was butchering the language.

"Mujeres Araña, the lady who served us lunch. Ask her for more chicken and rice," Miguel repeated.

Y/n's face lit up with a radiant smile, and she couldn't help the toothy grin that spread across her face. Her blush deepened at the prospect of indulging in another plate of food. As she stood, she unintentionally swayed her hips, drawing Miguel's attention. Her figure, now with some food in her, looked a little fuller, and the suit stretched over her form more comfortably. Miguel hunched back over his food, catching himself staring a little too long. He needed to concentrate on getting these nutrients in him.

Y/n moved gracefully through the crowd, directly to the old woman, bypassing the queue by entering from the opposite end. Oblivious to the commotion she was causing, Y/n approached the old woman with her clean plate, her mask pushed halfway up her face. She mustered her best smile and blurted out, "pollo y arroz, please." She wasn't entirely sure if she had said it correctly, but she wanted to impress Mujeres Araña.

The old woman greeted Y/n warmly, taking the plate with a shaky hand. Y/n couldn't stop smiling; in her universe, it was unheard of for anyone to reach old age like this woman. People in her world willingly offered their bodies to feed others when they reached a certain point of uselessness-it was an honor and a rite of passage. But here was this woman, still going strong, still useful in some way.

"Thank you; I really appreciate your cooking," Y/n nodded respectfully to the old woman, who returned the gesture with a warm smile. Y/n wasn't sure if the woman understood, but her appreciation was genuine.

As Y/n skipped back to her seat, the old woman's voice unexpectedly boomed across the food court. "Miguel no la cagues!" she yelled, adding a few choice words. The entire hall seemed to fall into an eerie silence as Y/n obliviously dragged her chair out from under the table with a screech and settled back into her seat.

Miguel slouched in his chair, all eyes now on him and Y/n. He had chosen this quiet corner to avoid drawing attention, but now they were the center of it all. "What did you say to her?" he growled, tossing a half-eaten empanada back onto his plate.

Y/n was already halfway through a mouthful when she spluttered over a mouthful of food. "I told her I appreciate her. She must have kept a lot of people alive and happy in her lifetime." Her humble response took Miguel by surprise. His temper, quick to ignite in situations like this (mostly because of Peter B who was known to make jest of Miguel.

Miguel instantly regretted his forshadowing as a hand came slamming down on to the cantina-styled table with a force that made the cutlery and plates rise and fall.

"Miguel, have you been ignoring me?" he heard Peter B's voice, and part of him wanted to say "yes,".

"I don't have time for your shiii. Problems right now," Miguel muttered noticing the small child tumble out of her baby holder. His reflexes where always tested when Mayday was around catching her in his arms.

"No, this is serious, Miguel!! You blacklisted Earth-802b."

That's right, the colorful, kid-friendly-looking universe that resembled a Disney theme park, complete with singing. It made Miguel cringe. What bothered him even more was that the Spider-Man of that universe was Mayday's favorite. He didn't have the heart to break the news that the Spider-Man in that universe had met an unfortunate end.

"They actually blacklisted us," Miguel said, he could feel the sting of the lie roll off his tongue. He had to cut earth -802b loose to prevent the virus from spreading to others.

"They don't like the violence so we agreed to separate. " Miguel continued, and Peter questioned him further. The two men continued to bicker between themselves.

Y/n observed the tense exchange between Miguel and Peter, a mixture of confusion and curiosity etching across her face. She hadn't understood most of the conversation regarding blacklisted universes or the "Spider Squishmellow." It all sounded like another layer of complexity in the multiverse.

But her attention was quickly diverted when the small child in Miguel's arms, Mayday, seemed to be reaching out for her, babbling and gurgling. Y/n couldn't help but smile at the adorable, tiny person, completely unaware of the intricacies of the conversation happening around her.

Y/n extended her hand towards Mayday, her tone soft and friendly. "Hey there, little one," she cooed gently, trying to make eye contact. "You want some of my food?"

Mayday's response was a series of excited gurgles and reaches, her chubby fingers grasping at the air. Y/n chuckled and picked up a piece of chicken, offering it to the child. The sight of Mayday nibbling on the food brought warmth to her heart.

Meanwhile, Miguel and Peter continued their discussion, oblivious to the interaction between Y/n and Mayday. It was clear they were deeply engrossed in their argument, their voices growing louder with each passing moment.

Just as tensions reached their peak, Lyla's urgent voice interrupted the heated exchange. "Miguel, Y/n, I've found something."


Hi thank you for reading I've been really struggling to write recently.
But thanks for coming back and checking this chapter out.

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