Chapter 9

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You don't belong. Garth was in the Endless Woods, wandering through the trees and thorns. He felt like he was being watched, but everywhere he turned there was no one. He kept walking, looking for the gates that lead back to the Blue Forest. You don't belong. A scream pierced the night air.

"Hang on, Lilac!" he shouted, running deeper into the woods, farther away from the familiar. He reached a clearing, lined with torches of green flame. In the center was Marcus, blood dripping from the gash in his heart. He held Lilac, wearing a long pink dress with a sash across her shoulder. He had a knife to her neck, dripping blood. Garth recognized it immediately as the one he had used to kill Marcus. Lilac stared into his eyes, pleading for him to save her.

"Wake up. Garth, wake up." He opened his eyes. He was in his bed, in his dorm. It was still dark out. He had been...asleep? "Garth. You awake?" Now everything made sense. He sat up and was greeted by Jerald's presence. Kergy was sleeping soundly in his bed.

"Why are you still awake?" Garth asked. Jerald glanced at Kergy, then turned back to him. Garth sighed. "It's safe to sleep. He won't wake up." Jerald smiled thankfully and jumped into his bed. Garth laid back down, but he didn't want to fall asleep. He didn't want to see that again.

Classes were a breeze, Garth getting the highest of marks. Even in history, which he made sure to study. He even knew the person who spoke that day. Kergy did well also, a good night's rest sending him up the charts and on all the teacher's "watch out" lists. Jerald, however, was still having a hard time.

"I don't get it," he mused as they stood in line for lunch. "I just don't get it."

"I got the message pretty clearly," Kergy responded, placing an arm on his shoulder. "Maybe you'll be my henchman. I'll make sure to make you commander." Jerald collected his bucket with a frown.

Garth wasn't really listening, still feeling off about his dream last night. It was only the second day in this place and he was getting nightmares. Not Nemesis dreams, like he would hope for, but nightmares.

"Garth!" He side stepped into Jerald, who fell to the ground while knocking over Kergy. His lunch also spilled onto Kergy.

"Hey!" he shouted, shoving Jerald off him. Garth had his knife out, ready to strike. Lilac stepped back a little, hands in the air. Garth relaxed, putting down the knife. He stared at the Evers behind her, murmuring and glancing at him. He noticed Stephan in the crowd, a hand on his training sword.

"What was that?" Lilac asked, walking up to him as if nothing had happened. He turned away from her, giving Jerald a hand. Kergy was already up.

"Aw! Now I don't have any lunch," he squealed. Kergy coughed and gestured at his tunic, covered in foul smelling slop. Jerald smiled sheepishly. "Oops." Garth handed Jerald his bucket. He was about to protest when he noticed the look in Garth's eyes.

"Not hungry," was all he said before walking off. Lilac was about to follow when Kergy grabbed her arm. Wolves snarled, but stopped when he let go.

"He's upset," Lilac said.

"He also didn't say 'hi'," Kergy added. "You might want to give him a little distance." A hand touched her back.

"Despite the fact it came from a Never," Stephan responded, "it is probably best you stay away from him." Lilac looked out after Garth, walking to who knew where. She desperately wanted to talk to him, but things didn't seem to be in her favor. Stephan was already towing her away from the scene.

Garth stopped at a tree and sat down. It felt similar to the tree back in Gavaldon. The only thing it was missing was Lilac. He half expected her to come over and talk to him, but he doubted Stephan would let her. So he sat there, reminiscing over the nightmare, letting it play in his head over and over. Like he had done when it came to his past, so the pain was nothing and the fear was gone.

The School for Good and Evil Prequel The Never Prince (fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now