Chapter 1 - Street Performance

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[Word count - 1,087]

A few days ago...

Location - School Courtyard

Your POV

I couldn't stop thinking about the performance Raise A Suilen had a few days ago. They definitely stand out for sure, and all that talk about them being the next generation of the girl band era... I think that might actually happen.

While thinking about the performance, I couldn't help but notice something... the giitarist... I can tell she didn't want to be there at all, like she was upset about something. I just hope she's okay.

And me thinking about this is preventing me from hearing Akira's voice.

"Hey, man, are you listening to me?" Akira asked as he glared at me for not listening.

"Oh, sorry, I wasn't." I admitted. "What were you saying?"

"I was telling you to story on how I managed to get two people to fall in love with each other." He said.

"Were these two people from our school?" I asked.

"No. This was an older man and an older woman who've been married for while, and the man wants doing whatever he can do to let his wife knows that he still loves her." Akira said.

"Why does that sound hard to believe?" I asked again.

"But it is true, though!" Akira protested, and his reaction to that has made me chuckle.

"Okay okay, I believe you."

"I hope so."

After a while, Akira began to change the subject.

"So, you never told me about that performance you saw a few days ago." He said.

"You mean with Raise A Suilen?" I asked.

"Yeah, how did it go? Did you like them?" Akira asked.

"Yeah. I wasn't sure if I would at the beginning, but I'm glad I'm giving them a chance." I said.

"Well, I'm glad you think so, then."

"Although..." I paused a bit. "There was one thing that bothered me."

"Really? And what was that?"

"The guitarist... she looked happy to be on stage at first, but when it came to the encores, it looked like she was suffering."


"Yeah, it was like she didn't want to be there after the first performance." I said.

"Really? I didn't expect that."

"Yeah, but I hope she's okay now."

That evening...

Location - Station Entrance

I was making way to the train station after hanging out with Akira at his house. I had to rely on the train to get me home on time. As I was walking through the streets, something caught my attention.

On my right hand side, there was a street performance going on. I did my best to look through the crowd just to see who was performing. And my jaw dropped by who I saw. It was the vocalist from RAS, and it looks like she's performing alone.

After she was done performing, people started clapping for her, and she smiled at it.

"Thank you, everyone, for coming." She said.

As the crowd departed, the vocalist of RAS spotted me and gave me a gentle smile.

"Oh, hello there." She smiled.

"Oh, hi. I saw your performance just now." I said.

"You did? Thank you."

"Yeah, no problem... Layer-san, right?"

"That's right, though that's just my stage name." She chuckled. "So please, call me Wakana Rei, my real name."

"Right. Nice to meet you, Rei. My name is (Y/N) (L/N)."

"(Y/N), huh? That's a good name."

She really likes my name? Well, that was nice of her.

Before any of us knew it, it really was starting to get late outside. And even though I really needed to get home, I decided to act like a gentleman and asked Rei if she wants me to walk her home. She thought it was sweet that I asked her, and accepted my offer.

And so, she and I started walking to their house.

Location - Wakana Residence

Rei and I got to her house safely. It was a little bit later than it already was, but we didn't care about that. Rei is home now, and that is the important part. And on the way there, Rei and I spend those moments getting to know each other. Rei told me about RAS, and her childhood friend, Hanazono Tae, and I told her about my best friend, Akira, and how he is a romance expert.

As Rei got closer to her door, she looked back at me, and smiled at me.

"Thank you for walking me home." She said.

"Yeah, you're welcome, Rei." I replied and smiled back at her.

And with that, she headed inside her house, and I began to head home as well. As I do, I thought about how nice Rei actually was. Will I ever see her again, though? I don't know, but I do hope so...

A few minutes later...

Location - Wakana Residence, Rei's Room

Rei's POV

Once I got home and settled down, I laid down in my bed and texted Hana just to see if she was still awake.

Rei's text: Hey, I want you to know that I made it home safely.

Tae's text: Really? That's good.

Rei's text: And on my way home, I think I managed to make a new friend as well.

Tae's text: Really? Who is it?

Rei's text: It's a boy who's about the same age as us. His name is (Y/N) (L/N).

Tae's text: Really? That's a cute name.

Rei's text: I guess. But believe it or not, he asked about you.

Tae's text: Oh yeah? What did he asked?

Rei's text: He asked why were you so upset during RAS' debut show.

Tae's text: Oh, I see.

It's nice to know that he's concerned about my friends like this.

Tae's text: I'm still sorry about that, but my friends in Popipa needed me, and I failed to do so during the cultural festival.

Rei's text: Hey don't worry about it. I completely understand.

Tae's text: Well, still though, it was fun being on stage with you Rei, and maybe we can do it again sometime.

Rei's text: Yeah, I hope that day comes too.

But before that, Chu2 would need a new guitarist for RAS, and I know she's been pissed about it now that Hana left the group. I hope she finds one soon...

To be continued

A/N: It's been almost a year but here it is.
Thank you so much for reading this chapter. I hope you guys liked it and I'll see you in the next one.

BanG Dream: Secrets to Romance [Wakana Rei (Layer) x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now