You Know Bruce Banner?

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Tony Stark POV
I dug around in what used to be my million dollar living room but had now been reduced to a pile of ashes by what was most likely some kid and a match box. "Nadine!" I yelled into the Smokey haze that hung in the air "not her name" pepper grumbled. I ignored her "Janine!" "Still not her name", I glared at her "what is then?" She returned my look "it's Maxine, but she prefers Max" pepper corrected me. I rolled my eyes and was about to shout for her once again when I noticed a small form laying limply on the floor. Oh god, I thought, so many people are gonna kick my ass if this kid is dead. I ran over to her and gently lifted her off the floor, I placed my fingers on her wrist to check for a pulse. "Please please please" I muttered softly to myself, I let out a sigh of relief when I felt her heart still beating. My relief immediately turned to panic as I realized how irregular and faint the heartbeat was "PEPPER!!" I yelled out, "call and ambulance!!".

A few moment later there were sirens and medical personnel swarming the mansion. They immediately ripped Max from my arms, giving me dirty looks like I had something to do with her getting hurt. I wasn't even there!

Pepper would say that was the problem.

We both trailed after the tiny figure that was being loaded into an ambulance. Just before the doors closed I spotted hoard of paparazzi pulling up. I rolled my eyes, figures, they smell tension and come as soon as they can. I didn't really have time to worry about it, right now I wasn't sure if I had s dead kid on my hands or not.

*later at the hospital*

Pepper sat in the corner patiently while I paced back in forth in front of the kid's hospital bed, which seemed massive compared to her tiny body. Are we sure she's not like 5 or something? Anyway, it didn't matter how old she was what mattered is that she looked like she'd just been fed through an incinerator. A slight cough brought me back to reality, I glanced up seeing her choking and looking at me with panic. "Hey, hey you're alright kid" I said trying to sound comforting, I handed her a glass of water which she graciously took. After a finishing it she seemed a bit better. Actually scratch that now she was tearing up. I looked at her perplexed "what's wrong with you kid?" I demanded all attempts to be soothing going out the window with the return of my usual demeanor.

"I'm... I'm so sorry!!" She sobbed, "for what kiddo?" I inquired rubbing her back trying to get those damned tears to stop. "It's all my fault" she cried taking a pause between statements to sob "the fire" sob "I tried to stop it" sob "but I just... i just I didn't know how it kept happening" big heavy sob. I held her close to my chest like my mother used to do for me when I was small "it's not your fault baby doll" i gently stroked her hair "all Kid's get interested in matches at some point or another, you probably just got carried away huh?".

The next thing out of her mouth made me seriously wonder if she shouldn't be committed to the psychiatric unit.

"No! The fire came from me! Like my hands... they just... everything I touched just ignited!". She started to tremble and I knew that wether what she said was true or not. SHE believed it with all her being. "Alright, alright, little girl, I promise we'll figure this whole thing out ok?". I bit my lip wondering what was the easiest way to break it to a 10 year that they were losing it. I wonder if Pepper would do it. What was I thinking?!! Hell no she wouldn't!!

I glanced over at said red head who was watching is intently with the stupidest grin plastered to her face. I shoved Max's face into my chest so she couldn't see and flipped Pepper the bird. "Hey what are you doing?" Max asked trying to get free. "Nothing" I lied letting her go, I could feel my shirt was wet from her tears, hopefully tears dry easily.

"Ok kiddo, so what you're telling me is that you somehow managed to set the entire living room on fire with nothing but your hands, am I understanding that correctly?" She nodded. Great so she's either an unintentional arsonist, or a lunatic- either way not great options. I glanced down at her again and saw her eyes filled with terror. Whatever happened it really freaked this kid out. I thought for a minute then decided something. "Hey kid you know who Bruce Banner is?", she looked up at me confused "just answer the question short stack". She nodded "the hulk right?" "Yes, exactly but he's also a very smart man with a lot of degrees, I'm gonna ask him to help us see if we can't figure out what's wrong with you". "TONY!" Pepper snapped, speaking up for the first time since Max had woken up. "What?!" I asked incredulously "she's clearly got something wrong with her".

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