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"The first duel of the day will be between Mr. Alexander Dolion and Mr. Charlie Kamara" The announcer spoke to the mic.

Currently I am at the duel arena, Kali asked me to watch considering I haven't watched a duel before and since I'm planning to accept Izel's challenge if she send me one again, might as well observe how this works.

I am sitting watching carefully as the two guys, called by the announcer, Made their way inside the huge platform. There are quite a lot of students here, and it seems everyone's ecstatic, I guess they really enjoy this kind of things, Some are even betting with actual money who will win.

I sat quietly, just observing everything, while Kali, I don't have an idea where the hell she went, She excused herself a few minutes ago and still hasn't came back.

I'm sitting on one of the many bleachers alone while the students around me talk to each other discussing who they think will win the fight.

"Alex for sure." I heard a guy behind me talk in a loud voice.

"Dude, Charlie is like triple in strength than him, He do not stand a chance, I bet Alex will be knocked cold in the first five minutes." His friends countered.

I'm not eavesdropping, I just can't help but overhear since they talk very loud.

"You have no faith in Alex, Did you forget he's like the strongest elemental here in school?"

Oh, Alex is an elemental, cool. My bet is on him then.

"Still just an elemental dude." The other guy counters and let out a mocking laugh. "and we both know elementals are weak." He added.

That pissed me off. Who the hell does he think he is? I'm an elemental and I swear I'll kick his ass.

"What did you say?" I asked, turning around to face them, They must be shocked by me suddenly intervening into their conversation that they didn't answer.

"What the hell did you say?" I repeat while they looked at me confused.

I was about to talk again when I felt a hand touch my arm.
"Calm down." I heard, I turned to face where the voice came from and come face to face with Blair giving me a look and shaking her head.

"Don't mind them." She said and gestured me to sit back. I did what she told.

"What's up with you?" Blair chuckled "Hothead"

"I don't know what came over me, I'm just pissed about hearing the same thing about elementals being weak and shit again and again." I explained.

"Just don't mind them. They say things like that because that's what they think is the truth."

"Hey miss" We were interrupted by the guy behind me, "I'm sorry if what I said offended you."

"It's fine." I answered shortly and looked back at the front where the fight is already starting.

Alex is a Lightning elemental, Charlie is Transformation, a transmutant. He changes physical appearance, and by observing the fight, I see he changes into something that he touches. Like when he touched the ground, He turned into that material.

The guys behind me were right, Physically Charlie is stronger than Alex but alex is more agile and he moves very fast like lightning.

Alex won.

And I can't help but snicker at the guy behind me when he groaned and cussed out of frustration when Charlie was knocked out.

"Man!" I heard him groan.

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