Ep 1 The first day of Highschool

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Jayden pov
Thursday sept 7

It was the first day of Highschool this was me and my friends 2nd year of it. I was nervous and excited at the same time. First of all, Highschool there is a lot of sin EVERYWHERE. I will be tempted ALOTTT. And 2nd of all I GET TO SPREAD THE WORDDDDD😁😁

"JAY HURRY UP WERE ABOUT TO BE LATE!!" My mom yelled. "KAY'!" I yelled back. I ran downstairs with my bag on my back and my phone in my hand. "Bye ma Te amo (I love you)" i said while leaving. I ran to the bus and got in. I walked to the 4th row where my friends Adrian and Hannah were sitting. I sat next to Adrian. And Jenna and Julian were sitting in the next seats right next to us.

"Why y'all so quiet?" I asked. "Huh" Adrian said while staring at me. I looked away because if not I was gonna blush. " Yall read your Bibles?" I asked "Yes" they all said. " HANNAH" Jenna yelled. "What?" Hannah asked. "Here they go again"Julian said while rolling his eyes . I laughed a little bit. And Adrian looked at me and smiled. " WHY DIDNT YOU PACK MY LUNCH??" Jenna yelled angrily. "Don't be mean. Forgive just like Jesus" I said with a big smile on my face. Jenna Hannah and Julian laughed. And Adrian smiled at me again. "Man Father is he the one?" (Talkin bout Adrian) I thought asking the LORD.

Adrian pov

Jenna and Hannah were arguing again. Even though we weren't even at school yet.
They act like kids, we all do. I guess we're just happy. I looked at Jayden she was smiling. She's so beautiful. "LORD Can I marry her?" I asked the LORD. Her eyes shine bright like the stars her smile bigger then anyone could ever imagine. She's just so beautiful. "Adrian you alright?" Jayden asked me. "Huh Yea" I said while smiling at her. "You smile a lot" Jayden said.
"Oh" My heart sank. "OH shoot I mean it's not bad like your smiles nice" Jayden said nervously. My heart lit up I smiled at her and she smiled back. "Just date alreadyyyy" Jenna and Hannah said at the same time."Not if the LORD doesnt allow it!" Julian yelled. " Your a party pooper" Jenna whined "But he ain't wrong" Jayden said. We arrived at the school. "Let's goooo 😪" Julian said sadly.
Jayden pov

We got out the school bus and walked inside the school. " What are your classes?" I asked the group. " For 1st period I got spanish" Adrian said. "I got English" Jenna said. " I got Math😓" Hannah said sadly. "I got Math too" Julian said smiling at Hannah. "What class you have?" Adrian asked me. "Uhm let me seee here...I got Spanish!" I said happily. " dang so I'm all alone😭😭" Jenna whined. "you'll be okay" I comforted Jenna . The bell ringed. "Come let's go to class before it's too late." I said.

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