Pt 5 Tristians new intrest

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Tristian pov
Sept 11 Tue

"Yo Ri" I yelled. "What?" Riley responded. " Stop texting me" I said. Riley looked embarrassed. "Wh-what?!" She yelled. I showed her and her friends the text messages that she sent me. She turned red and basically ran away.

I walked over to Jenna she looked as if she was gonna die. "Yo you alright?" I asked. "You were supposed to leave the revenge for God, and only supposed to get your lunch!" Jenna yelled. "Sorry.." I said.

"Don't apologize to me but to God!" She said."come let's go sit at my table" Jenna said. We walked over to a table smiling laughing and reading Bible. They genuinely looked happy and Blessed. "Hey Jen, who dis?" A girl Said. I think I've seen her before walking in da Hallways. "Uhm Jayden Adrian this is Tristian . He's trying to change his life for Christ!" Jenna said pointing to both of them . "Oh then HIIIII HOW YA DOINN!" The girl named Jayden yelled. " good 👍" I said. " Alright sit here next to me" Jenna said. "What Bible chapter are we reading?" Jenna asked.

Adrian pov

" John, it's good place to start reading the Bible." I said while handing Tristian a Bible. " OKAY" Jayden yelled. I smiled a bit. Tristian looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Father is this man trying to be with you or trying to date my friend?" I asked the LORD

Tristian pov

Adrian handed me a Bible. " look this is John" Jenna said while flipping my pages towards John. "WAIT!" Jayden yelled. " huh?" Me and Adrian said. "??" Jenna said. " We need to tell or explain to Tris the background or else he will probably be confused" Jayden said. " YOU RIGHTTTT!!" Jenna said while high-fiving Jayden. Me and Adrian Laughed. "Who da world is John?" I asked confused. "Haha John is one do the 12 Apostles" Jenna said while laughing with Adrian and Jayden. " OHHH  THE PEOPLE WHO FOLLOWED JESUS!" I yelled. " YEAAHH!!" Adrian Jenna and Jayden. We all laughed. " okay who wants to read?" Jenna asked. "MEMEMEMEEMEMEMEMMEMEME!!" Jayden yelled. " Alright Jayden your gonna readdddd" Jenna said. We read until John 4 then Jayden stopped. " Tristian you read" Jayden said." K" I said. "but I have a question" I added. " what is it?" Jenna asked. " Can I Highlight things?" I asked. "Yeah!" Jenna yelled. " k js give me a minute." I said. I flipped back to 1 John 1 and highlighted John 1:9-10 .

I started to read John 3. I stopped at John 3:16 . " It said "We know what love is because Jesus gave his life for us. This is why we must give our lives for each other." After I finished reading that tears began to roll down my eyes. " He read but the Holy Spirit spoke. " Adrian said. "GET THE TISSUES I MIGHT END UP CRYING!" Jenna yelled. We laughed and Jenna patted my back. The bell rang.

Jayden pov

We went to our classes and I walked with Tristian. "So your in my  class?" I asked. " Ya " he responded. " huh i never realized." I said. "Prob cuz I always skipped this class" Tristian said while smiling. " Dangggg really?" I asked. " ya" he said.

After 4-5-6hours school ended. The group met up outside. Tristian asked if we wanted to go in his car. We all agreed and he dropped us off home. " Alright byeee! ✌️" I said. "BYE!!" They responded.

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