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It was springtime in the town of Witwicky. It was mid day, Pofessor Alex Malto, and his veteran wife Dorothy Malto was present at the local library.

Alex seemed to be explaining something about the transformers' war, whilst Dorothy sat next to him.

She seemed more or less to be accompanying her husband, supporting him.

However, as the crowd of younger teens began to break, a soft smile crossed her face.

In the crowd, younger teens paused as Dorothy placed a hand on his shoulder.

The teen had red eyes, dark brown hair, and very pale skin.

He was wearing a cheap cloth face mask, even so he was clearly happy to see the woman.

"Where you think you're going, punk?" She asked playfully.

"Hello, Miss Malto," the teen said with a soft laugh.

"How's the jacket? Still fits?" Dorothy asked as she crouched to a knee, gently adjusting the boy's jacket collar.

"Yep, I've been taking good care of it," the teen said reassuringly, earning a nod from the older woman.

"You hungry?" Dorothy asked curiously, earning a shake of the teen's head.

"No, I managed to grab something this morning, im good," the teen said with a dismissive wave.

Dorothy smiled softly before standing up, gesturing for the teen to follow her.

"Come on, let's get you some lunch," she said with a chuckle.

After leading the teen out of the building, Dorothy brought him to a small diner across the street.

"Really miss Malto, im okay," the Teen said softly, being tugged along by the older woman.

As he was led inside, the teen was silenced by Dorothy snapping her fingers.

"Sit," she said, pointing to a booth.

The teen sighed, sitting down across from Dorothy.

"Look, you won't let me put you up in the farm, you're going to let me feed you," Dorothy said simply.

"Im okay, Miss Malto. Ive been on my own long enough to handle myself" he said dismissively.

"You shouldn't have too" Dorothy said simply.

*To Be Continued*

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