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In a dark, alleyway, a red eyed teen found his way to a small shack of a sort.

It was made of piled up wood pallets and metal sheets, and various adhesive materials were held together.

He slid the make shift door open and then closed it behind him.

There was an old matress placed on the ground, blankets strewn across it, in the corner of the room was a minifridge, the power cord seemed spliced, sloppily rewired into the wall of the alleyway the shak was propped against.

Atop the mini-fridge was a small lamp that the boy switched on, opening the fridge.

He placed a small white box of leftovers into the fridge, a few sparse items within it.

A few cans of pop, a bottle of water. A half eaten loaf of bread.

After he closed the fridge, he sat down on the matress, pulling out an old smartphone.

It was thick and blocky, and the touchscreen was cracked but still functional.

Just as he began scrolling on his phone, using the building next to him as free wifi.

He heard something, a soft whirring of a sort.

Before he could process what was happening, a large metal wolf like creature burst through the wall of his shack

It held a blue and gray color scheme, the eyes a peircing glowing red.

It last instantly trained its vision on the boy, a low robotic growl escaping it.

"N-Nice decepticon, dog thing," He said hesitantly, backing away in the smaller space.

The Decepticon slowly stalked forward until the boy was pushed against the shack wall.

However, just as the Decepticon lunged forward, the ceiling burst open.

He felt a pair of metal clamps grab his forearms, lifting him upward.

"Woah! What the-"

"Sorry! I was going to knock, but the Decepticon beat me to you!" A feminine voice said in an apologetic tone.

He was being carried away by a red and gray drone of a sort. Two turbine like engines, being propelled through what looked like hover engines.

One glowing orange camera and two clams extending down from its chassis, holding him up.


"WHAT THE HELL!?" The boy asked in a mixture of frustration and confusion.

Before the unknown bot could respond, she had to tilt to the left, a burst of thin red lasers firing at her from below.

The Wolf like Decepticon was following them from below, firing it's mounted miniature blasters up toward the drone.

"Don't have time to explain! But I'm one of the good guys!" The drone said as she began swerving mid-air.

"Well, you aren't trying to kill me! That's a start!" The teen said, looking down.

"Hold on!" The fem-bot said loudly before suddenly speeding up.

It was a relatively short flight, but the fem-bot had lost the Decepticon, slowly lowering the boy down to the ground.

He near instantly backed away from the drone, frantically looking around.

He found himself in a field, a farm house and barn across a dirt road..

His breathing was heavy, his hair was stood on end, every fiber of his being was telling him, run. Run now.

But, he froze. Watching the drone transform into a female cybertronian.

She was smaller than most Cybertronians. She looked to be only around six feet tall.

She had the same red and gray color design, two glowing orange eyes and a pair of propeller like blades sticking out from her back.

She looked to the boy, concern crossing her face as she moved to approach him.

As if instinctually the boy reached down, picking up a large stick, brandishing it as a weapon.

"Woah! Okay, I'll stay here" she said with her eyes widening. Taking a step back.

A slight hint of confusion was visible on her face at the boy's reaction, the hover engines mounted on her shoulders tilting slightly.

"I-Im sorry...I didn't meant to scare you" she said softly, crouching down to one knee.

The door to the farm house burst open, Dorothy, still in her ranger uniform.

She looked around before her eyes widened, jogging down the steps.

"Zach!" She said in concern as she ran up to the young boy, crouching down to his height.

"Are you alright hun?" She asked in concern, checking the boy over.

"Y-Yeah, just...confused...scared...kinda in fight or flight" The teen said still gripping the stick in his hands.

Dorothy looked up to Twitch, sighing.

"Zach...this is Twitch, my daughter" She introduced, standing up.

"I was told to send her to grab you, I heard Ravage was tracking you" Dorothy explained gently.

Zach looked from Dorothy to Twitch, who awkwardly waved, trying to put on a more friendly smile.

"Y-Your....daughter?" He asked in confusion, lowering the stick.

"Look, I know its a lot. And it's late. You'll be safe here for the night. We've got a spare room for you and everything okay hun?" Dorothy explained, gently taking the stick from Zach, dropping it after.

"I'll have more awnsers in the morning"

*To Be Continued*

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