A Plan

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"Oh my god, im going to lose it," Zach said as he paced outside the farmhouse.

It had been decided that the Malto family would look over Zach. He would stay at the farm for the time being. While WheelJack tested a blood sample the teen had given.

"Zach," Dorothy said softly, trying to get his attention.

"First, it's the Decepticon, then I found out you have a Cybertronian Daughter?"

"And now I might be some sort of....Cyber-Human?!"

Zach only stopped his rambling as Dorothy placed her hands on his shoulders.

"Zach, we are going to figure this out, okay?" She said softly, a hint of a stern tone in her voice.

"It's a lot. I know, but you will be okay, " She said softly, hugging the teen gently.

Zach seemed tense as the older woman hugged him, taking a moment to relax into it.

"Allright...I think for now it's best you stay here, Punk," Dorothy said with a sigh.

"If the cons are hunting you, then you're safest here," Dorothy said as she looked the boy over.

The ground shook slightly as heavy metal footsteps approached, Dorothy looking over Zach's shoulder. A slight smirk on her face.

"Besides, we got our Decepticon repellent right here," Dorothy said, gesturing behind Zach.

Zach turned, finding himself face to face with Bumblebee, his eyes widening in result.

"Holy crap you're alive!" He said in realization.

Bumblebee's optics widened slightly.

"Not the reaction im used to, but not unwelcome!" The Cybertronian said with a slight chuckle, crossing his arms.

"Aren't you supposed to be dead?" Zach asked bluntly.

"That's just what we wanted ya to think!" Bumblebee remarked with a smug tone.

"Now, since you already know Mo and Robby, it's time to meet the rest of the family," Dorothy said with a chuckle.

She stood up properly, dusting herself. After a moment, she turned, looking to the barn.

"Twitch! Thrash! Come say hi!" Dorothy called out, causing Zach to stand up proper as well.

It took a few moments, but after a brief silence, a pair of Cybertronians poked their heads out of the barn.

Zach near instantly recognized the red one....Twitch if he recalled. The taller one, however, was new.

Unlike Twitch, who had a red and gray color scheme, with orange glowing optics.

He was taller. Had a white and slight blue color scheme. His optics were a vibrant blue.

Twitch was the first to make her way out of the Barn, awkwarldy standing across from Zach.

"H-Hey, sorry for freaking you out last night..." Twitch said awkwardly, a hesitant chuckle escaping her.

"Dont worry about it....Sorry for almost...thwacking you with a stick..." Zach said in a slight awkward tone of his own.

"Well you know my sis! Im Thrash, the cool one" Thrash introduced enthusiastically, earning a mild annoyed look from Twitch, her shoulder mounted engines drooping slightly.

*To Be Continued*

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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