A Revelation

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Zachary found it was a restless night, still reeling from his sudden attack and subsequent rescue.

It was already dawn, and he was walking out of the Malto residence with Dorothy. Supposedly, there were a few people who wanted to meet him.

"Okay, look. Miss Malto, I appreciate the hospitality, but I-"

The teen was abruptly cut off by loud propellers flying overhead, the trees suddenly being blown back

Zach's eyes widened as he took a step back, only pausing as Dorothy gently placed a hand on his back.

A large dropship type vehicle was slowly lowering itself to the ground before It began to transform.

The ground shook as the large aircraft transformed into a collosal Cybertronian, peircing glowing red eyes, a large cannon of a sort.

The ground quaked as the Cybertronian landed on its feet, its body whirring and creaking.

The Cybertronian looked to Dorothy, his cold facial features softening slightly.

"Dorothy," He said with a nod, a tone of familiarity in his voice.

"Megs," Dorothy said with a chuckle, placing a hand on her hip.

"MEGATRON?!" Zach asked in complete shock, catching the Cybertronian's attention.

His expression softened further as he looked down at the human teen.

"This is the "Punk" I presume?" Megatron asked, earning a sigh from Dorothy.

"Yeah, this is him," Dorothy said with a slight hesitant tone.

Megatron crouched down onto one knee, shaking the ground ever so slightly as he did.

His red eyes suddenly erupted into a projection glow as he scanned Zach.

Megatron ceased his scan, a hum escaping him as he looked at Zach.

"Curious, your body is producing energon readings. Miniscule, but still present, " Megatron stated before attempting to get closer to eye level with Zach.

"Tell me, child. Have you come in contact with Energon recently?" The Cybertronian questioned.

"U-Uh....I highly doubt it?" Zach said in uncertainty, looking to Dorothy.

"He was being hunted by Ravage, that count?" Dorothy asked, earning a slight scoff-laugh from Megatron.

"Hardly," He said, standing back up.

"Optimus should be here shortly, He is bringing "WheelJack" with him. He may be able to find out what is wrong with you," Megatron said honestly, trying to sound reassuring

"Something is WRONG with me?!" Zach asked in a whisper yell to Dorothy.

Dorothy shook her head, crossing her arms.

"No, nothing wrong with you, Zachary." Dorothy said with a chuckle, mild frustration creeping into her voice.

"Right?" Dorothy mouthed to Megatron, who simply shrugged, earning an exasperated expression from Zach.

"Reassuring, Dot," He said in a snarky tone, earning a mild glare from the darker skinned woman.

A loud horn caught the group's attention, a red and blue semi truck, being followed by a silver, green, and red sports car.

Optimus Prine transformed shortly after his arrival, WheelJack doing the same.

WheelJack near instantly looked to Zach, looking to Dorothy.

"This the Tyke with the wacky readings?" He asked in a southern accent.

"Yeah, this is him,"  Dorothy said in mild concern.

WheelJack used a handheld device to scan the teen, earning a mild flinch from Zach.

"Huh, not that is interestin'!" WheelJack said in surprise.

"What? What is?" Zach asked in alarm, looking from Dorothy to WheelJack.

"Check this out, big boss," WheelJack said, handing the data pad to Optimus.

Optimus looked over the data pad, his optics widening slightly.

"Mister...Zachary I am -"

"Optimus Prime, Yeah, I Gathered as much,"Zach said, crossing his arms. His eyes are still wide.

"That's Megatron, that's WheelJack." Zach remarked, looking from each respective Cybertronian.

"Now, what the hell is going on?!" Zach asked in a mixture of annoyance and panic.

"Zachary, relax" Dorothy said in a gentle but warning tone, placing a hand on his back.

"Zachary" Optimus said calmly, crouching down to one knee. The ground quaking slightly.

"Zach" the Teen said sharply.

"Zach..." Optimus started, speaking in an attempt at a soothing tone.

"Your body, is producing trace amounts of Energon"

"Normally, even for us Cybertronians. Energon is consumed. Not produced"

"So you present an-"

"Opportunity" Megatron stated factually, his arms crossed.

"I beg your pardon?" Dorothy asked looking to Megatron.

"His body is producing Energon. Something all Cybertronian life requires to functions"

"Something Decepticon remnants require" Megatron stated matter of factly.

"That is why Ravage was tracking you" Megatron stated, looking directly to Zach.

"B-But how could I be-"

"I dont know exactly kid, but this could be something big!" WheelJack said honestly, slight excitement being audible in his voice.

"A mesh of Cybertronian and Human Biology, you could be something remarkable my little friend!"

*To Be Continued*

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