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Kefalonra Adasi 1603

I am with a couple of women as we washed the dirty clothes in a bucket full of water with our feet as if we would use our hands they would hurt but when dancing you get a random buzz of energy and never get tired. While stepping on the wet clothes we sang and danced along to the shanties that where sang in our village. My younger sister that was about 5 years old, was sitting on the side of the stone window frame while dancing along with us and eating her red grapes.

"Anastasia! What are you doing!" An old woman scolded

"I'm helping them, Oleni." I answered her

We started singing once more until the little girl pointed to the blocked window 'there!'. There was a young boy i knew as my younger, dumb, village idiot brother. I hit him with one of the clothes in my bucket and ran after him as I saw him running.

"Hey! Come back! I said come back!" I shout quickly

I pushed him down and pressed him to the floor so he wouldn't get up. The women around us started to burst out in laughter.

"What are you doing?" I asked him while almost laughing aswell

He just chuckled and laughed at the way I chased him all the way behind the small hut. Suddenly a woman pulled me back. I turned to see that it was Oleni. I heard my mother tell everyone to go away so she could speak to me as she approached.

"Anastasia! What happened to you?" She asked

I give her a confused look.

"Look at you!" She says again

I look down at my dress and smoothen it out. I turn my head back up to face her again.

"I've told you a thousand times not to fight-"
She began again to scold

"Mother-" I started

"Your grounded." She told me sternly

"...What?" I question

"Go to your room now and get over your needlework." She said

I go down the alley way and head straight for home but when I see the old man that worked at a horse stable I ran to the brown horse and got onto it and started to ride of. He laughed at me.

"Anastasia!" My mother shouted when she saw me

I rode onto the green and yellow field and looked at the sky above. It looked as if the sky was moving, I found it so calming sometimes. I loved it. Once I got near the edge of the cliff I got of the horse and opened my arms wide as the wind passed through my long black hair. I smiled widely and closed my eyes.


I held a lamb in my arms as I stroked the small amount of fur it had.

"Nasya!" My father called out

"Nasia!" My father called out again and walked over to me

I let the lamb run away and turned the other side crossing my arms. My father was going to a different country. Italy to be precise. I didn't have anything against Italy or Italians but it was the fact that I would see my father for many weeks.

"Anastasia. Not much." He said holding his arms out

I looked at him but quickly turned away.

"I'm going to Vince for only a few weeks." He stated

I waited a moment before turning to him.

"Why can't I come with you father?" I asked softly

With a hesitation he replied with "Because your needed here."

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