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I sat down on the brown dirty floor by force as they placed my bowl of soup in front on me. I frowned at the men. This is not how I imagined being kidnapped. Why am I in a dungeon when the pirates would've killed me. My mother would've screamed at me if I left the room this dirty. I frown at the soup as I try to tell what is in it. I pushed the bowl aside, refusing to eat.

"No food until we stop at the next destination!" A guard said

I grab the bowl and spill the soup on the ground. I don't think they are pirates at all. They have to many riches to be pirates. Perhaps they aren't pirates and they must be part of the Ottoman Empire. I mean, they speak Turkish to each other so it is a possibility.

"When are we going to make it? Is Istanbul far?" I question loudly

"I'll rip thy tongue out, and you'll look like Gölge Khatun. Got it?"
The man threatened

I got up and ran to an old man the was holding a tray.

"They kidnapped me! Help me!" I accused

Everyone looked at me but didn't help. Instead they returned their gaze to the food to eat.

"I'm being forced! Help me!"
I continue in hope of escaping the Ottomans

"They kidnapped me, save me, save me, save me!" I cried again

The Ottoman man grabbed my arms before I could run and took me away.

"They are from the palace, they told me to tell no one but they are from the palace!" I scream

Immediately people stand up and approached us and unsheathed their swords and soon chaos once again erupts. I run away from it in hope of making it out of here alive but as I tried getting on a horse a man held me back and tried pushing me away as he fought another man. As they weren't looking, I run away into the woods where I was sure I would get lost in but at least no one would find me.

"Catch her!"

I ran and ran as fast as I could. If only this forest wasn't so empty. I ran straight ahead and saw guards forming a triangle as eight others rode horses making an square with even numbers on each side it was also leaded by a man who also rode a horse. I looked behind me and saw a man was catching up with me so I ran ahead towards the guards. I took a log and hit him with it. A ran a little and hit him again and again. He swinged at me making me fall down. He grabbed my arms.

"Let me go! Let me go, let me go!" I shout

Suddenly one of the guards hit the man in black on the head making him collapse. I gasp and shriek at the sight of the man whose blood oosed from his head carelessly. I stare at the guard and start to back away as he raises his hands in defence.

"Stay back!" I shout

"I won't hurt you." He replied softly

He held his hand out for me. I looked at the log he held and once he realised I was scared he would hit me he dropped it. And gave me his hand once more. I slowly approach him and give him my hand. He drags me away but I let go of his hand.

"Come on!" He stopped in his track and took my hand again

The collapsed man stood up and attacked the young guard whilst another man in black ran towards us. The young man hit the first one in the head and backed me away. He held his arms infront of me in a protective way. I pull his arm signalling I'm scared and want to run away. Suddenly the man was killed by another man in black who had a bow and arrow. He grabbed my arm as the man who was at the front of the line back at home, which I now will call front man in black, came running.

"Who are you?" The front man in black asked

"There are Janisseries over there, come along." The young man said

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