𝙑𝙄𝙄. temporary deal

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IN LIFE, it's extremely normal for someone to make mistakes as it's apart of growing up

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IN LIFE, it's extremely normal for someone to make mistakes as it's apart of growing up. It's extremely normal to learn from those mistakes and move on from life. But as for Aurora Jade Flores, she wanted nothing more than to crawl inside a hole and just die. Cause it's only the second day of school and Aurora had humiliated herself more than one person can take.

Why did she say she was dating Ricky Bowen?

Why did she acted so spiteful towards Sydney all because she was dating the boy she liked only for her to create this huge mess.

She might just possibly ruined another relationship—Ricky and Nini. Although, they were exes, Nini probably hated her right now for that stupid stunt she just pulled. Admittedly, Aurora wasn't sure why she said Ricky's name out of all people. He just happened to be standing in the same halls as her and blurted out his name when her brown eyes fixated on him. Besides, the girl can't imagine herself dating Ricky and he would definitely not date someone like her.

Sitting at the counter in the diner, Aurora was trying to focus on her Physics homework in an attempt to fixated her mind on something else.

Yet her mind was preoccupied by the possible outcomes of her lying to her ex best friend and her crush. Hopefully, none of them that had witnessed that embarrassing incident won't tell a soul and the girl wouldn't have to deal with gossip. But if they did then maybe Aurora should considered to be drop out of school  instead.

Okay , that was a little bit dramatic. Her father would have a heart attack if she even mentioned that idea. Plus she wanted to go to a good college and she guessed she needed to stay in school 'till the end. But she did wanted to disappear and go back to being invisible again.

Listening to goodnight n go through her earbuds whilst jotting down her answers. But before she could even listen to the bridge, someone abruptly pulled out her AirPods from her ear.

She turned her head and seeing that familiar face made her features shifted into a deadpanned look before focusing back on her work, acting as if he didn't exist.

"Hey, sunshine," Ricky started and the girl continued with her work. Letting out a scoff for her basically ignoring him made him lightly drum his fingers against the counter. "So. . ."

"Anything for your friend, dear?" She looked up to the sound of Katie's voice who had a huge suggestive smile on her face. Aurora sent her a deadpanned look, silently shutting down all the waitress' assumptions about her and this boy.

"He's not with me." She grumbled and nudged him to order for himself.

"I'll take a chocolate shake. Thanks." He smiled and once the woman wrote down his order then walked away, the male focused his gaze back on Aurora and continuously tapped her shoulder.

Aurora swatted his hand. "What do you want?" She asked in a slight demanding tone.

"What do you mean, I'm just here for a chocolate shake and. . .watch Elvis Presley dancing on the screen," The girl gave him a blank look making him give in. "Alright. I came by your house and Iris told me that you usually come down here. I just wanna ask you this," He quickly glanced around his surroundings as if they were having a secret meeting although, nobody in their school came to this diner. "What was that?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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