A Discovery....

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Ezra: Rey come on! Can't you just ask your mom to let me check the cameras?
Reyna: Ezra I'm sorry but you know how my mom is about the rules she won't allow it..
Ezra: Please Rey it's for my sister... She could have died in that fire. I need to know who started it!
Reyna: I know but Ezra.. you know how strict my mom is..
Ezra: *sighs* I guess..you have a point..

*A week later*

Athena: *runs to the group* Guys! I found something important!
Nayumi: What is it?
Athena: A book on Calypso and why she was banished from the Academy...
Rowan: Well what are you waiting for? Go on tell us!
Athena: About 50 years ago...Calypso was one of the most gifted students in Mystic Academy..but she practiced dark magic..which was and still is against the rules...and one day the principal found out. She  was expelled for it and she got angry..she tried to revolt against it..and in her rage she killed the principal at the time aka..
Reyna: My great grandfather...
Athena: Mhm..a cursed was placed on her banishing her from the school but it looks like she found a way to break the curse and someone in our school is helping her...
Ezra: But who? Who could possibly have the guts to help her?
Athena: Well...I'm not sure but I think it might be.. Quinn
Rowan: You've gotta be kidding right-
Ezra: There's no way Quinn is the one helping her- She's one of the most innocent people we know.
Athena: Exactly. That's what makes her the perfect tool..No one would ever suspect the most innocent person to be the traitor..
Nayumi: Thea has a point..
Athena: Plus when we were interrogating her i couldn't tell if she was lying or not it was as if someone was well... blocking my powers.
Reyna: That's strange..
Damian: Exactly.. Quinn is our prime suspect right now.. we need to keep an eye on her..
Nayumi: Agreed...

*Meanwhile somewhere in the forest*

Calypso: *spying on them* Hm...looks like they're trying to find my little puppet..*smirking* Distract them. I want to have some fun with them before i reveal myself.
Unknown figure: As you wish.
Calypso: These kids don't even know what's coming...

*Back at School*

Ezra: Rowan put down the knife, man!
Reyna: Let's not jump to conclusions and murder people here-!
Rowan: Hell no. That bitch has to be the one who set Nayumi's room on fire I just know it.
Athena: I regret telling you this- but please calm down!
Damian: Rowan calm yourself will you!?
Rowan: Not happening. I'm not calming down until i kill her!
Ezra: Dude seriously calm the hell down!
Damian: *using his powers to make sure Rowan can't get free* You need to take deep breaths and calm yourself..
Rowan: Damian let me fucking go!
Nayumi: *trying to ignore the chaos and read the book on Calypso*
Reyna: Nayumi you can read the book later! We could really use your help right now-
Nayumi: *sighs, puts the book down* Rowan calm down and sit back down before i make you. *sounds annoyed*
Rowan: *quietly sits down back down without any questions*
Ezra: *in shock* How the hell did you-
Nayumi: I have my ways. *goes back to reading the book*
Reyna: *knows exactly what happened and smiles a little*
Athena: Someone please just explain how she managed to calm him down so easily-
Damian: I have the same question-
Rowan: Shut up before i throw the knife at-
Nayumi: Rowan. *not even looking up from the book* put it down.
Rowan: Fine I'm sorry- *puts the knife away*
Nayumi: *finds something else on Calypso* Guys I found something else on her-.. its says she was sent to live in the dark forest after banishment..
Damian: As in the place we're forbidden from stepping foot in-
Nayumi: Yep and it also says she was an extraordinary zoolinguist so stepping foot in that forest could instantly get us attacked by a tiger or a giant spider or something-
Reyna: Well this will be problematic.
Rowan: You think?.
Nayumi: We need a plan. We know where she is and I know damn well she knows we're coming. So I say we split into groups of two and tackle one task at a time.
Athena: Sounds good-
Rowan: I am in.
Ezra: Let's do this.
Reyna: Sounds great
Damian: Count me in.
Nayumi: Okay good. Team 1 which is Athena and Damian will be trying to find out more on Quinn.
Athena: Consider it done.
Nayumi: Team 2 which is Ezra and Reyna will try to distract Principal Azura's gaurds nearby the entry of the forest
Ezra: Lucky for you dear sister causing distractions is my speciality..
Nayumi: That's good. And lastly team 3 aka me and Rowan will be sneaking into the forest and try to locate Calypso without getting caught.
Rowan: This will be exciting.
Nayumi: We'll pull this tomorrow. Everyone be prepared for every situation possible.

*In the forest*

Calypso: *laughs* They really think they can ambush me? Silly children. But i do have an idea..*smirks*

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