The mall

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(So before I start this chapter i just wanted to say that Derek is not with them.)

Third person pov.

They arrived to the mall

Ok before we go in we have some rules
1 be holding someone's hand at all times
2 no running off
3 no growling
Ok scott said. Gwen nodded with that they all headed into the mall with gwen holding Scotts hand They walked in to some shops and got T-shirts shorts pants jumpers and stuff like that. Two hours later
Gwen started getting Bored and hungry so she started tugging on Scotts top feeling this scott Looked down and saw Gwen's face

Ok i think its time we get this little one some food and leave Scott said

Ok they all said. so they all headed to the food court but when they got to the food court they all got separated because of how many people there were and gwen lost Scotts hand and gwen was looking around her trying to find Scott or any of the others But when she turns her head to the left she sees one of the hunters that kidnapped her four years ago but luckily they had not noticed her she ran to were they could not see her and she could not see them and she quickly sat down for a few seconds and calm down but defence mode had already started to take over

Gwens pov.

I sat down for a few seconds and try to calm down but it was to late defence mode starts to take over I try to stop it but it doesn't work i hate defence mode I got it after I started getting it after I got kidnapped and now whenever I get to scared or angry it takes over it depends on what emotion on how it reacts but right now It's fear so once it is fully taken over I cant feel my emotions and I am not in control

Defence Gwen's pov.

I stand up and I start walking out of the shopping place oh I forgot to introduce myself im defence Gwen I take control when Gwens emotions get to much but any way I walk out of the shopping place And decided it is best if I go to Derek but I am going to stay in control for a bit because I don't really trust anyone right now so I walk back to Scotts house because that's the last place I saw him and I'll track him from there because me and Gwen were raised by werewolf's we learned everything that our siblings learnt like tracking people and a lot more but un like our siblings Gwen wasn't great with controlling her emotions especially anger see here's the thing Gwen thinks she got me from what happened four years ago and yes while I did grow stronger and was able to take over easier I've actually been with her since she was born and even though she says she hates me she really loves me like a sister so I guess it's more of a love hate relationship but anyway I don't mind being in the passenger seat most of the time because I get to relax and watch her do her thing but a lot of the time I have to step in and take control but any way I find Dereks tire tracks and start following them

How did you like this chapter

Do you like defence Gwen I hope you did because I have a feeling we might be seeing her a lot more

I hope you enjoyed this chapter if you have any questions feel free to comment them or message me them I will do my best to answer them Bye for now.

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