I'll find them

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Defence Gwen's pov.

When we got out of the car I made a run for it I need to find my family they are probably trying to find me well I mean gwen but Anyways once I get to the woods I masked my sent and I ran until it was dark I know I'm going the right direction because I came this way when I came to beacon hills so I found a tree to sit next to well I get so rest and then keep going on way
Two hours later

I wake up from sleeping and I stand up and grab my bag and start walking again it is about a week and two days walk from beacon hills ive got about two to three hours until I have to pass the border so well I walk I like to watch the stars mum always said if im not here anymore look for me in the stars and I know what you are thinking I know there is a high chance that my family is dead and I just ran away from people that could give me and amazing life and I'll probably won't get that chance again but that is a risk im willing to take to find my family im willing to sacrifice any and everything for them they've always been there for me and now its my turn to be there for them and I wont let anybody or anything get in the way of that I dont care what I have to do I will find them and I will stop at nothing to find them

Two hours later

I have been walking for about two and a half hours now and I finally see the border now comes the hard part I have to somehow cross the border without anyone seeing me
So I think I could clime the fence that is in the woods it should be a lot easier this time because its night time so after making sure the coast is clear I run to the fence and jump it with ease and run to the bushes and I see a land creature with a light device that he is flashing around to look around there is no way he will be able to see me unless he comes inthe bushes but once I know he is far enough away that he won't hear or see me I ran to the other side were the gate that goes to outside the border and run to another bush and after making sure no one was around I ran to the fence and jump it with ease just like last time and I run back in to the woods and start on my journey again

Two days later

It has been two days of walking sleeping and hiding and I think it is time for gwen to take back over I know that gwen feels the same way about finding our family and she knows how to get there better but Anyways I sit down and let gwen take over like she has wanted

Gwens pov.

Im finally back in control so I stand up and keep going back to my real home

How did you like this chapter

Do you think gwens family are still alive

I hope you injoyed this chapter if you have any questions feel free to comment them or message me them I will do my best to answer them
Bye for now.

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