Part xlviii - Surprise engagement

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Minnette's POV

"Hi guys!", I greeted everyone the moment I arrived at Dad's restaurant with Monna and Matt. We were told that there was a surprise dinner party that Sebastian was throwing for Daisy. His long-time client turned girlfriend.

They started with a cat-and-mouse game but in time they became closer and closer and now they are officially dating. To be honest, I'm happy for my brother. He has become a whole new person. I even confided in him about my marriage from time to time.

"Hello my grand babies!", Mum shouted then picked Monna up and spun her around making her laugh. "Hi there little guy, come say to Grandpa", Dad told Matt who looked excited to see him.

"Grandpa, let me hold him! Let me hold him!", Sally said while jumping with excitement. Dad gave Matt to her.

"Hi Minnette, you look tired", Dad said while hugging me. I hugged him back. "I am tired Dad. I don't know how you guys did it", I said with a smile making him laugh. "You'll get a hang of it. You are my baby after all", he said pulling me to the kitchen. I helped out with the food as we waited for Sebastian and Daisy to arrive.

"Sweety your phone keeps ringing, I think you should pick up", Mum said with Matt on her hip. "My hands are wet, can you put it on my ear?", I asked and she did.

"Nette, baby... are you guys ok? I've been calling you but there was no answer", Max said and I felt the concern. "We're fine. I didn't hear it ring. Mum just brought the phone to me", I replied forgetting that I didn't tell him we were visiting my family. "She has visited? Why wasn't I informed?", he asked. "No. We have visited them. Sebastian's having a surprise party for Daisy and wanted us all to be here, help him make the party special for her", I said finally finishing with the dishes and dried my hands.

"Hello?", I said and there was still silence. I was about to hang up when he started talking. "Minnette, I know things are not ok right now but that doesn't give you the right to leave the pack without informing me, even if I'm not there, I deserve to be told. I'm your husband and the father of our kids!", he said angrily. "Of course you are", i said in a low voice forgetting he had super hearing.

"Minnette, I'm not in the fucking mood", he said with a calm voice I knew he was pissed but I was too and I was not about to be talked down upon, not when I was the one holding our family together. "And you think I am? Max, I respect you as my husband and the father of my kids. I respect the fact that you're devoted to your work but don't you ever think you have the right to play ownership when I'm the only one who is always there to wipe out Monna's tears when you break your promises", i said while panting then hung up before he could say a word.

When I turned ready to go to the dinner area I found Amy staring at me in shock. She was at the kitchen entrance, no doubt about to call me. "Hey, sis. Are we ready to start?", I asked and she ended up nodding. I walked past her thanking god she didn't make a big deal out of the whole thing.

Sebastian and Daisy finally arrived and we had dinner together followed by some music from a live band. When I thought it was about to be over, Sebastian went down on one knee making us gasp.

"Daisy, my rib, I won't talk a lot, Chester and Liam already told me it's not my strong suit so ama get straight to it. Will you marry me and make me the happiest man in the world?", he said and Daisy nodded and pulled him in a kiss. "I love you, Sebastian. I cannot wait to marry you", she said and we all cheered and took pictures. The ring was massive and so beautiful just like her.

It reminded me of the day I got engaged. I was the happiest woman in this world. If only I was able to see what would happen 9 years down the line, I would have found a way to approach things differently but on the bright side, I have two of my miracles lending me strength every time I want to give up.

"Hey Minnette, you got a minute?", Liam asked appearing out of nowhere. He looked too serious making me furrow my brows. I wondered what Amy did this time.

"What did she do now", i whined making him smile weakly. "It's not Amy", he said the looked around as if trying to see if someone was close to us. "Max called me a few minutes ago. What's going on Minnette?", he said with pleading eyes. I released a breath. I should have known he would contact one of them. "It's nothing", I said but he didn't buy it. He folded his hands on his chest giving me a second chance.

"Liam, I'm just tired ok? I'm tired of doing everything on my own just because he has to prioritise being a warrior. I was ok with it before because I got two weeks to spend time with him every once in a while but ever since I got pregnant with Matt, he's been A-wall.

You should have seen Monna's face when he said he had to leave again. It was ok when she was younger but she's not anymore, she craves his attention and every time he makes a promise to her, he ends up breaking it. I've found her crying twice in her room and telling her dolls that her daddy didn't love her anymore.

I spent the whole week telling her how amazing her dad's work was until she was speaking positively about him. Don't get me started on Matt. I don't even think they have a bond and if it's there, then it's the weakest I've ever seen between a father and his son. He wasn't even there for his 1st birthday and I had to call Colton and Zadock. Liam, I'm tired. I don't even have the will to fight for us anymore", I said with tears in my eyes.

"What does that mean sis? I thought things were getting better", Sebastian said making us turn to the door with me attempting to wipe my tears away but failing miserably. "Are they?", he asked again. I shook my head making him open his arms for me. I ran into them and hugged him tight. "I'm so sorry, if I knew I wouldn't have made you come all this way and parade my feelings while you're struggling with yours", he said making me smile. I pulled back and looked into his eyes. "Don't be ridiculous, the mighty Seb is officially off the market. I wouldn't have missed this for anything", I said making him smirk.

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