Part xxx - Back to work

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Maximus' POV

"Your Majesty, you may go in now", I told Nimerah after Kira confirmed that the mall was already secured. "Thank you Max and please call me Nimerah. We're way past formalities", she said with a smile making me nod. I walked behind her and the Alpha King's sister, while Selene walked to the front.

They passed a couple of shops until they picked a boutique that looked too packed for me. They were very happy. It seems they liked it that way.

Even though I've been married for four-plus years now, I still can't understand the whole shopping thing that women get excited about. I have owned the same clothes since I married Minnette and I'm quite happy with them but hey, it's none of my business.

"Are you the warrior that risked his life to save Nimerah's?", the Alpha King's sister asked the moment Nimerah disappeared in the changing rooms with Selene. "That's correct Miss. Leopold", I answered while scanning the fancy boutique.

"Thank you for what you did. I can't imagine what would have happened if Angus lost both his mate and son in the same day. He would have probably gone feral", she said with a weak smile. I kept my face neutral but the thought of Nimerah being pregnant that day never crossed my mind even though her scent did seem a little off.

"You didn't know did you?", she asked again, finally getting my attention. "I didn't", I replied shortly. "Well, now you do. My brother owes you more than you think. Being a King is not easy, you don't get a chance to behave poorly and get away with it. He thinks that your mate resents him. He still feels bad for how he reacted. I think you should speak to him", she stopped talking the moment we heard Nimerah returning from the changing room with a pile of clothes and a huge smile on her face. They made payments and we left.

When we returned to the castle I made sure all of Nimerah's items were stored where she instructed and left her with the Alpha King's sister to have a private chat.

I went straight to the Alpha King's office and knocked once. I heard a 'come in' and then opened the door only to find him in a meeting with one of the councilmen and Royal Beta.

"My apologies, I didn't know you had a meeting. I'll come back later", I said and turned around, ready to leave the room. "Nonsense, you're the young man that saved our Queen, come in", the old man said while standing up, the Royal Beta did the same and they left the office.

"To be honest, I didn't think you'd come back to work... Thank you", the Alpha King said making me nod. "Have a seat Maximus", he said and I sat, not sure where to start. "I'm sorry we couldn't save the baby", I said without thinking. I wasn't sure if talking about something that private was being respectful. "You spoke to Nadia?", he asked with a raised brow. "Yes, I apologize if I have overstepped but she said that you were regretting the whole dungeon thing. I would like to assure you that I have no hard feelings towards what happened and if I were you, I would have done the same", I said with confidence hoping to display honesty.

"Max, we both know that you're not the one I think about in this matter", he said with a weak smile. "Minnette understands too, you know as well as I do that her temper is something only the moon goddess can control", I said making him chuckle. "That I agree", he said looking deep in thought.

"She's excited about coming to live here", I said and that seemed to make him smile. "She is?", he asked looking like he was trying to make sure he heard me correctly. "Yes Sir, I won't be surprised if she prepares a housewarming party and welcomes the whole pack", I said nervously. It made him laugh. 'Hey man, the princess is here', Riggs mindlinked me making me smile. "Please excuse me, Your Majesty, Minnette just entered the pack boarders, if she doesn't find them at home, she will kill me", I said in a rush making him nod.

"Baby!!", she shouted the moment the car stopped. I smiled as she got out of the car and jumped on me making me catch her with ease. I kissed her cute lips until I smelled her arousal making me pull back only to find her eyes full of lust. "I swear these two are wild rabbits", I heard Mila complaining to Sebastian who was laughing at her. "You think that's bad? Try living with them", he said while shutting the door.

"Welcome home baby mama", i said kissing her forehead while putting her on the ground. "I need you", was all she said. "I know babe but let's welcome everyone and give them a tour first ok? I promise to make it worth your while", my last sentence made her smile.

"Welcome my in-laws", i said with open arms making Mila and Sebastian smile. Mila hugged me but Sebastian threw Minnette's purse at me, I caught it by making him say, "Show off", under his breath. It made me chuckle, his eyes went wide. "The super hearing?", he said with a smirk and I shrugged my shoulders as he walked past me.

"This is quite an amazing house you got here. I call dibs on the last room on the corner", Sebastian said making me laugh. Of course, he would go for it because it had an amazing view. "No Seb, that room is for Mum and Dad", Minnette said emerging from our bedroom with my clothes on her. It made me smile. She must have missed the scent. "Stop eye fucking each other, we have stuff to move in the house, come on!", Mila said while pulling my hand towards the front door. I heard Minnette giggle which was music to my ears.

"I can't believe you were able to do that and still had us push that car out of the mud bath. You could have just carried it out", Sebastian complained as we sat down for dinner at Riggs' house.

Adele had prepared dinner for us and also wanted to meet Minnette's family. "I don't blame him, revealing ourselves to humans is considered the highest offence", Riggs said making Sebastian stare at him in shock. "That's crazy, we have known you for ages and even when you told us about your true nature we didn't think you were a misfit or anything", Mila said looking surprised too.

"Aren't you one in a million", Adele commented confusing Mila in the process. "Let me make things simple for you. The reason why we have that kind of rule is because there was once a time when we all lived in harmony but it all went downhill when the Alpha King was mated to one of the most powerful men in your world's wife", Riggs said catching both Sebastian and Minnette's attention.

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