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-Present day 2018-

The plane I was on landed. I sighed in relief and looked out the little plane window. My heart skipped a beat and I smiled. I was gone for around 10 years. When the pilot announced we had arrived in Tokyo, my adrenaline rushed over me. I get to see my friends I haven't seen in years. As I was getting my bag from above the seats, something fell out of the pocket. I bent down to pick it up when someone beat me to it. A strong hand picked up a red mood pendant necklace. I looked up and my heart froze. My eyes met with a pair of familiar golden yellow eyes. "You dropped this?" He asked, the vein on his forehead throbbed out of annoyance. As I was about to say something, "miss please move along. You're holding up the other passengers." The flight attendant explained to me and ushered me away from this handsome blue and white haired man.

Once I was off the plane, I felt like I was going to have a heart attack. Taiju Shiba was on my plane. Why is my question. I came from America and I did not once see him when we boarded or when we had delays and switch overs. "Kat-chan!" I heard a familiar voice exclaimed. I turned around and smiled big. "Hina! Hanagaki!" I called out to my friends, waving. I rushed over and gave them both a big hug. "You're finally back!" Hanagaki exclaimed, tears forming. I chuckled and ruffled his black hair. "You finally stopped bleaching your hair." I joked. Someone cleared their throat behind us. I turned around and my heart fluttered. "Well,well,well. Look who finally decided to come back after 10 long years." A tall man with a dragon tattoo on the side of his head said,arms crossed. I looked down,rubbing the back of my neck. "Hey,Draken." I sheepishly said,refusing to look up. "No phone calls. No messages. Not even a damn letter. Just showing up out of the blue!" Draken scolded me,lifting my chin up so I can see him. I chuckled nervously. "Ummm Espanol?" I nervously asked. We stood in silence and both laughed. He draped his arm around my shoulders and walked me to baggage claim. I looked back at Takemichi and Hina. I couldn't help but smile yet be jealous. They're getting married and I'm showing up dateless.

Once we are at baggage claim, I looked at Draken. "How did you know I was here?" I asked,giving him a confused look. He hummed and then ruffled my hair. "I didn't. Takemichi just told me that they wanted me to come with them to the airport. No explanation or anything." He explained, looking down at me. I saw my bag and grabbed it. Draken took my bag out of my hand along with my carry on. I was about to say something then my stomach growled. "Can we get some food?" I asked, looking sweetly at Draken. He chuckled and shook his head. "No. You're coming to my place. My wife is cooking." I stopped dead in my tracks and gasped loudly. "My dearest brother, don't tell me you got married and didn't invite me!? Takemichi invited me to his wedding and we're not even that close!" I exclaimed, fake hurt in my voice. Draken chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Dramatic like always, Crimson." A voice said behind me. Both me and Draken looked behind me. I bit my lip when I saw Taiju. My heart started beating fast. My cheeks burned from the blush forming. Draken just whispered in my ear, "I'll send you the address. I'll have Hanagaki give me your number." He nodded at Taiju and left me. I will cuss him out later. I turned around fast and started to follow until Taiju grabbed one of my wrists. I looked back at him.

"Let go." I sneered, snatching my hand out of his grip. Before he could say anything, my right hand made contact with his face. His eyes showed anger. Mine showed pain.

-July 2005-

The summer breeze whisked past me as I weaved through traffic on my motorcycle. My red hair dancing in the wind. My red leather jacket clinged to my back. "I swear,if I'm late to my own meeting,I am going to be pissed." I sneered as I stopped at a red light. I was on the way to a Blood Moon meeting. I'm the leader of the Blood Moons. My name might be Katherine (Kat to some) but I'm more known as Crimson. I was informed last night a girl was rapped and beaten into a coma by Moebius' members. Also that the girl's boyfriend who is a member of Toman was forced to watch. My hands gripped my handlebars tight just thinking how Mikey and Draken are handling this too. The light turned green and I quickly sped off. Once I arrived at an abandoned building, I walked in quickly. I heard murmuring and questions on why the meeting was called. I got to the front of everyone and looked at my right hand girl, Aiya. "LADIES! THIS URGENT MEETING IS BEGINNING!" Aiya yelled so everyone would quiet down. I sighed and looked at everyone. "What's our purpose, Moons?" I asked, slowly pacing. Everyone stood in attention and looked up to the ceiling of the building. "BRINGING JUSTICE TO THOSE WHO DESERVE IT!" All 150 girls said in unison.

"Do we let a crime slide?"


"Do we hurt the innocent?"


"Do we kill?"

A pause as they all looked at each other. I repeated myself but louder. "DO WE KILL?"



The fourth division captain stepped forward. "We make them feel her pain." I smiled at Kio. She was a short, long blonde hair girl. I walked to her and placed my forehead on hers. "Your goddamn right." I walked back to the front and stood on the platform there. "Moebius has been very naughty lately. I think we should show them what it's like to be beaten by women." I announced. The building filled with cheers. Soon, everyone dispersed except me and Aiya. I sighed and looked at her. "They're already on their way." Aiya answered the question I was going to ask. "I really don't want to meet with them." I groaned, sitting down. Aiya chuckled and sat next to me. "I know. You would rather be at home,drooling over the leader of Black Dragons." She said, batting her eyelashes and did a weird in love face. I laughed and nudged her. "I only stay with the Shiba family to watch over Yuzuha. Besides, he's not here anyways." I said. She is right tho. I rather be at home than meeting with Toman.

I heard Draken's bike arrive out front. I stood up and walked outside. Draken and Mikey walked up to me. "Hey, Kat! You hiding from us?" Mikey said, smiling big. I softly smiled and leaned against the building. "Sorry for the reason we had to meet." I said. Mikey walked inside while Draken stayed outside with me. He looked down at me and hugged me tight. I hugged him back and gripped his shirt tight. I didn't want to let go. This man right here is my everything. "Love birds! Let's go!" I hear Aiya call to me and Draken. We pulled away from the hug. Yes, me and Draken are together. Have been for the past two years since I arrived,but that's a story for another time. We walked inside and I sighed. "Are y'all attacking Moebius to?" I asked,my southern accent coming out when I said y'all. Mikey held back a laugh. Draken chuckled. "Yeah we all are." He said,mocking my accent. I smacked his chest lightly. "What about you? Since they did get one of your girls." Mikey asked, a serious look on his face. I smirked. "Already sent the girls out to start spreading Justice." I responded. He nodded and walked outside. "You coming, Ken?" Mikey asked. I looked at Aiya who was already leaving. Aiya called to Mikey, " get on my bike, Mikey. The love birds need some time together." Mikey groaned and walked to Aiya's bike. Once I heard them leave, we both sighed in relief.

"You're doing good by the way." Draken said to break the silence. I softly smiled and looked at him. "Yeah, it's still new to me." I said thinking about how me and Aiya formed the Blood Moons. "Have you heard from your family in America?" He asked. I looked at him weird. He's never asked me that before. "Yeah. My sister has her good days and bad days. She told me she wants to visit me before she dies." I explained, sighing. I am from America. I moved here for a fresh start basically. Also, my mom thought it would be a great way for me to see how the world is. Basically, she wanted me to travel because my sister was unable to travel far. My sister, Kristina, has cystic fibrosis. It's a terminal lung disease she was born with. Since we have different fathers, I luckily was not born with it.

Draken sighed and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Your mom visited you here before. Ever since then, you haven't talked about them. It kinda worries me because your mom was nice." He explained, leaning down and kissing my cheek. I blushed. "Yeah they just had a lot going on." I said, looking away. It was silent for a while until my phone rang. I flipped it open and saw it was Yuzuha. I quickly answered. "Is he home?" I asked immediately. "Yes." She answered. Before she could say anything else, I quickly hung up. "I have to go Draken. I love you." I said, kissing him deeply before running to my bike. Draken's cheeks grew red because I normally don't say I love you alot.

Once I arrived at the Shiba Residence, I heard screaming. I saw Taiju's bike out front. "Shit." I muttered, running inside. I saw Taiju raise his hand high. Before it made contact with Yuzuha's face, I jumped on Taiju's back and grabbed his wrist. He stopped and looked at me from the side. Never did I feel this tension with him. Not bad tension but like a connection. Taiju reached around with his free hand and grabbed my torso and threw me over his shoulder. "Fine then. You're coming with me." Is all he said before taking me to his room. Fuck. Me.

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