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Kat's P.O.V.

A week has passed since the Osanai incident. I have became very distant to everyone. I try to avoid people when I go to school. Did I mention me and Osanai go to the same high school? I was sitting in class, looking out the window. A pair of hands slammed on my desk. I did not even look in the direction of the person. "What, Osanai?" I said with lack of emotion. "Osanai?" A familiar voice said with annoyance. I turned my head and looked away again. "What are you doing here, Draken?" I asked. I could feel the look he is giving me. "I came to check on you. You have been ignoring my phone calls. I even asked Aiya what your deal was and she didn't know. She told me you have been absent from the meetings all week!" Draken explained, his voice rising with each sentence. I looked at him and placed a fake smile on my face. "I am fine, babe. Trust me." I lied, standing up. He hugged me tight. I winced at the hug. My body was still hurting from the fight. I felt like I had broken ribs. The bell rang, and I pulled away from the hug. "Go before you get me in trouble." I told Draken. He nodded and kissed my cheek before leaving. I sighed and sat back down.

Class was a drag. I just looked out the window wondering what Taiju was doing. I shook my head lightly and internally chuckled. Why was I thinking about Taiju? We are just friends after all. Yeah he came to my aid, and he has not left my side since, but we are just friends. At lunch, I went to my spot which was on top of the school roof. I pulled out an onigiri from my bag. As I was about to take a bite, I saw 5 shadows hovering over me. I looked up and groaned. "Osanai, please leave me alone." I said, annoyed. Ever since the fight, him and his friends have been harassing me. "Oh come on, pretty lady. Let us join you." He said in a cocky tone. I felt my eyebrow twitch out of annoyance. "No." I sneered, standing up. Osanai laughed then punched me in the face. I dropped my food. He stepped on the food and smeared it in the roof. "You do not tell me no. I didn't get to finish the other day." Osanai sneered, kicking me in my already sore ribs. I screamed in pain. He kept kicking me. The guy I bit pulled Osanai off me. "Yo, leave her alone man." He said,looking at me. Osanai scoffed and kicked me in the face before turning away to leave. I laid on the roof floor for the rest of lunch and beginning of next period. I was in agonizing pain. I felt so broken.

Taiju's P.O.V.

I was waiting for Kat outside of her school. Thirty minutes passed, and she still was not outside. I was getting worried. I saw her bike was still here. I sighed and walked inside the school. I started searching for Kat until I heard cries coming from somewhere. I went towards where the cries were coming from and saw it was a women's restroom. My stomach dropped. It sounded like Kat's cries. I ran inside and saw Kat leaning over a sink, crying. I noticed her knuckle were dripping in blood. I saw she had punched one of the mirrors. That was when my heart broke. I saw a piece of sharp glass, dripping with blood in Kat's other hand. I slowly walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked at me, and my anger rose in my body. Her beautiful face was swollen along with black and blue. I engulfed her in a hug. She did not resist me. Instead she hugged me tighter and cried harder on my chest. "I'm sorry,Taiju. I am sorry. I'm sorry. Please do not hate me." Kat begged, gripping my shirt. I looked down at her and held her at arms lengths. I saw blood dripping from her arms. I shook my head and placed a fake smile on. "It is fine. Come on, let's go home." I softly said, kissing her forehead. Her face grew red. She nodded and followed me outside. We rode on separate bikes back to her house. Once we were there, I laid her on the couch while I went to get some medical supplies from her bathroom. Once I retrieved the items, I went back to the couch. I softly smiled when I saw her asleep. The only time she gets peace is when she sleeps. I started to softly dab the deep cuts on her arms with alcohol and wrapped them in gauze. As I was doing so, I saw a water droplet fall onto her arm. I looked up and didn't see a leak. I then felt something stream from my face. I wiped my face and laughed when I saw a tear. I have not cried since I was little when my mother died.

I looked at the sleeping Kat. I picked her up and laid her in bed. She groaned in her sleep, rolling to her side. As she did so, she sat up and screamed in pain. I facepalmed myself. "Idiot. Your ribs are possibly broken." I reminded her with annoyance in my voice. She looked at me with groggy eyes. "Shut up." She muttered, laying back down and throwing her blankets over her body as she turned on her better side. I rolled my eyes and left the room. As I closed her bedroom door, I looked at the door. I felt for her. For a strong woman, she has became weak. I felt bad for her. She is in a different country with no family. Her only friends are here and they would be no help to her in this situation. I am barely much help myself. She doesn't even call her boyfriend for help anymore. I am the only person she calls now.

Two hours later, Kat was still asleep. I had cleaned her apartment for her and made her some food for when she wakes up. I heard someone knock constantly on her door. I went and opened the door. In front of me was an angry Draken. I rolled my eyes and let him in. "Before you start yelling, she is asleep." I bluntly said, walking back to the kitchen. He followed me. "Why are you here?" I asked, putting the food in the fridge. "I should be asking you that." He replied, pushing me back. I turned quickly and looked at him. The vein in my head throbbed in annoyance. "Last time I checked, I was dating her not you." Draken stated. I smirked and punched him across the face. He stumbled and held the counter for support.

"If that is the case, then why is she only calling me and wanting to see me? Face it, Draken. She does not want you." I taunted him. He looked at me with a dark look. As he charged at me, I heard someone clear their throat. He stopped and looked in that direction of the sound. I followed his gaze and saw Kat. I sighed and started heading to the door. She grabbed my wrist, not breaking eye contact with Draken. He looked at us and was getting angry. Kat's hand moved into my hand and intertwined our fingers. "Draken, I love you, but I have a lot going on that only Taiju is aware of." She calmly said, her hand tightening around mine. I gave him a smug look.

"Are you fucking cheating on me with him??" Draken asked, anger in his voice. "Are you fucking him?" Kat jumped back at that and her whole demeanor changed. I pulled her behind me. "Leave her alone, Draken." I warned him. He put his hands in his pockets.

"Answer me." He egged her on. She started crying. He scoffed. "I knew i-", before he could finish that sentence, she rushed to him and punched him in the face. She didn't stop either. He fell to the ground, stunned. He laid there while she kept punching him over and over and over again, screaming a gut wrenching scream. Tears furiously rolling down her cheeks and onto his face. "I was attacked and raped you asshole! Only person who knew besides me and my attackers was Taiju!" Kat screamed in his face. His demeanor changed. His look softened. Kat covered her face, still crying. Draken pulled her into his arms. I sighed and made my leave. I looked back at the door and sighed. Why do I feel sad about her choosing Draken over me?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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