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"Hey Talia, I'm back" i shout walking in and closing the door behind me
"her and simon have gone out to get something, we're meeting them at the location" hearing that voice i whip my head round and run straight to them

"Lucy! Keira!" i wrap my arms around their waists and hug them while they hug me back
"hey ev" i bury my head into her neck "we misses you too sunny" we stay like this for about 20 more seconds before someone clears their throat

"wow, do we get that reaction too?" we pull away and i turn to see all the rest of the girls there "oh my god guys, i missed you" "so are we gonna stand in the hallway or like what?" beth comments sarcastically "right sorry, come on, did you all put ur stuff in the spare room?" i ask walking towards the room "course we did evy" millie tells me flinging an arm over my shoulder

"right so, we have an hour to get ready, who's not being in the video" i ask looking through my clothes
"them 4" is the answer i received i turn around to see luce, kei, hempo and meado sat on the bed, "right okay, does everyone have an outfit?" "of course we do, now stop stressing and play your music" i listen to leah and connect my phone to my speaker and suddenly Mamma Mia is blasting around the room

it took less than ten minutes before the room erupted into chaos, georgia and chloe were trying to get people to dance with them while tooney and lessie are singing, i was stressing over what to wear just stood in front of my mirror in my underwear trying to chose an outfit

i jump when i feel hands touch my waist "you know sunny i think you should wear that one" she says pointing to a semi short purple dress "really kei?" she goes to talk but is cut off "oh absolutely, and this" lucy says holding up a cropped purple cardigan "thanks guys" i go to grab the clothes and get ready, which only took 5 minutes

"damn Evelyn you look good" georgia shouts from her spot on the floor getting her makeup done by ellie while leah is getting hers done by alex "thanks gee, which one do you think i should wear?" i ask her holding up a pair of purple dunks and a pair of white and purple New Balances "the dunks definitely, and so i can wear them shoes" she tells me "right okay, here you go" i hand her the shoes and walk over to chloe

"you alright chlo?" i ask her "huh what? oh yeah i'm fine ev, you know i am really sorry right" she rushes out avoiding eye contact , i put my hands on her shoulders and made her look at me "chloe kelly, if you apologise one more time i will go crazy, it's okay" "are you sure" i can tell she's still slightly worried "positive, now can you curl my hair for me, pleaseee" chuckling she picks up the curling iron "right come on then"

"ev! can you do our makeup" i hear tooney and lessie shout from across the room "you can go, i'm done with your hair" chloe tells me "fine then, come on you two" i shout to them "yes, thank you so much, you're lifesaver" they run over to me "oh i know, are you two trying to impress harry and tobi?" my question caused the two of them to blush

"whoa whoa, who's harry and tobi?" hempo shouts "my two friends, i think little ella and lessie have hit it off with them" this caused them to flush further "right shut up and do our makeup" tonney demands thrusts the makeup bag into my hand


"right is everyone ready, the ubers are here, we need two groups of 5 and a group of 4, who's with who?" i ask them

"me, you, gee, kei and lucy are in one" leah tells me
"me,less,alex,chloe and ellie are in one" ella tells me
"and me, rach, hempo and meado are in one" mille tells me
"wonderful let's go" and with that we all file out the room, put the house and into the ubers

"me, you, gee, kei and lucy are in one" leah tells me"me,less,alex,chloe and ellie are in one" ella tells me"and me, rach, hempo and meado are in one" mille tells me"wonderful let's go" and with that we all file out the room, put the house and int...

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