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usually showers are relaxing for me, but when i have an hour to get completed ready, it stresses me out, it only took me 15 minutes to shower, now i'm doing my skincare, albeit while making a get ready with me, but no one cares about that, I'm so glad that Leah made me bring my Dyson hair wrap, it cut the time it takes for me to get ready in half. I've not gone out in months, i've gotten drunk but nothing is better than going out with my friends

My makeup didn't take long because i don't wear a lot when i want to get drunk because it'll look messy after a while, i decide to wear heels and a short dress (stupid i know, but i love them) i know that lucy will kill me if she finds out

i turn to the door after hearing someone knock, "yeah" i shout while finishing my eyeliner "talia wants to know if you're ready to go" oh so it was simon at the door "yeah minter, let me just grab my bag "right okay, i would go but she wants to make sure and i quote that 'evelyn doesn't die'" "oh god that girl is so dramatic" i say flinging the door open "let's go"

"so guys, who's coming out?" i ask them sat in the back of the car, simon is the designated driver, i feel kinda bad for him but oh well

"so it's the troops, freya, faith, even though she's pregnant,and i'm not sure who else, basically everyone" oh finally, a full group night out, we're here anyway, let's just go in"


As we walked into the club we were hit with the smell of vodka, oh how i've missed this "hey tals, is that harry?" i say pointing to a familiar looking blonde guy "oh yeah it is, i think he's already done some shots" "wonderful, see you later talia"

"Harold, as i live and breathe" i shout over the music as i walk up behind him

"oh god ev, you actually came" he embraced me, me and harry have been friends for a long time, it'll only ever be platonic bc i'm a lesbian and he likes to chat up my friends

"so wanna do some shots" i ask him hoping he says yes "i knew there was someone fun around here, let's go"

he went to the bar and ordered 4 shots of vodka, he handed two to me and kept two for himself "bottoms up Evelyn" and with that we clank shots and down them both, the familiar burn burn of alcohol is felt down my throat as my body fills with warmth, "oh lux is calling me over, i'll see you later ev" "bye harry" i watch as he walks away

"oh my god, evelyn" someone laughed from beside me "alright jj?" i laughed with him "nah fam im good, i didn't know you were coming" he tells me embracing me just like harry did "oh yeah, im staying with talia and simon for 2 weeks, it's just been a bit hard not playing football yk, i just struggled" i refuse to make eye contact feeling embarrassed

"ohh that makes sense, are you gonna be filming any content while you're here, because we've got some shoots that you can come too if you want?" i'm surprised he wants me in them "i am filming content, shockingly, but yeah send me the details and i can check" i tell him flashing him a smile

"that's good, now come on, we're going get a drink and go to the guys, what drink do you want" "this place does vodka cranberry right?" i genuinely don't know, i've never been to this bar before "course it does ev, you know, you've changed, you used to say that vodka cranberries were 'pretentious'" rolling my eyes at his comment

"well yeah jj, i grew up" "aww little evy grew up" he goes into pinch my cheeks "yeah jj, i have a career now" it's now his turn to roll his eyes "oh i know and don't we all, 'Evelyn Garcia becomes the youngest ballon d'or winner' or 'Evelyn Garcia becomes arsenal and england's top goal scorer'" "damn jide if i didn't know any better i'd say you're jealous" laughing slightly "oh shut up, and get your drink" i take my drink and instantly down it, my loneliness was kicking in

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