Chapter 1: Entrance Exam

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Two girls were approaching the large entrance of U.A. Academy. Amongst the other students the two were an odd pair, small girl with soft pale skin and matching white air, standing at about 5'8 the girl hummed to herself as she skipped along the path, wearing a cheery smile. Behind her was- an exact opposite of her, a large teenage girl, built with muscle and red hair, in her mouth hung a limp cigarette. she took a drag from the smoke and didn't exhale, the smoke and nicotine easing her  stress and pain.  She stands at a whopping 6'4, a monster for her age. every step she took she was able to keep up with the younger girl as huffed in annoyance at a "no smoking sign" ignoring it as she walks onto campus and takes another drag, this time exhaling the smoke 

"Yo sis, I'm going to talk to the principal like I was asked to. You good on your own for the entrance exam?" the tall woman asked the younger girl with a raised brow

"I'm your older sister I should be the one asking you if your fine one your own!" the smaller girl let out a huff as her older sister let out a soft chuckle before lowering down to her sisters level, letting her mess up the blondes hair

Yeah yeah,  I'll be fine. Now go ace that shit and show this school not to mess with the Harbingers!" she slapped her bicep where the word "harbinger" was tattooed on along with a bloody bandage on the same arms forearm.

with the two nodding to one another once they both enter the building, they split off in to directions, the tall sister heading to the left, the shorter one going to the right.

P.O.V Youngest Harbinger

The tall girl made her way to the principals office, passing through the halls as she bites her lip, her need for another smoke pulling at her, it's usual harsh effects are a must for the girl, her quirk demands it but she was resisting the urge. She finally made it outside the door that read "Principal" on a side placard. She opens the door spotting  a small mouse inside as well as a couple other staff it seems, one that resembles a hound, another that wore a cowboy hat and gasmask, and woman in a rather skimpy suit and finally, a man with a scarf around his neck and bags under his eyes. She groaned as she  slouched in a chair Infront of all of them and reached into her inner coat pocket producing a lighter and cigarette. Placing it in her mouth she lights it Infront of them and ingakesthe smoke, letting hernerves calm. The room is quite and full of tension before the white mouse speaks.

Nezu: "Ah young Kikai, I thank you for showing up on time- but we have a strict no smoking policy. Until you are properly enrolled we unfortunately cannot make exceptions- so if you could dispose of your-"

before the mouse could say another word, Kikai swallows the cigarette without another word. Earning a sweatdrop from the staff.

Kikai: "I assume since we had this meeting- you got my letter."

The mouse nods his head and takes out a stack of papers

Nezu: "Your mother a promising hero who died during labor and your father a villain who died a terrorist. Given your quirk and your past record- one would least expect you to attend a hero academy- so why the sudden interest?"

Kikai: "My sister, she's my everything. She may be the older one but I'm the stronger one, it's my job to protect her and make sure she stays out of harms way. I did what I did so I could become stronger to protect her."

Nezu slowly nods before setting the sheets back down

Nezu: "we are willing to accept your admission and your special requests if you agree to stop your delinquent deeds and actually try to become a hero in our course as well as meet assignments on time in the support course."

Kikai nodded as she took out her lighter and pack of cigarette's 

Kikai: "Now can I smoke?"

The mouse nodded as the tall woman smiled and began to smoke, eagerly inhaling the smoke as the mouse turned to his collogues.

Nezu: "Now that formalities are out of the way- they will ask a few questions before escorting you to the practical exam and then the support exam.

Kikai nodded as she looked around the room before the woman in the rated R outfit cleared her throat

Midnight: "My names Midnight- I do have a question if you don't mind, why the smoking? You're a child no?" Kikai nodded, taking a moment to think about her answer

Kikai: "How do I put this- It's a part of my quirk. What's usually harmful to normal folk is what I need- smoke is like oxygen to me if that makes sense, my father's quirk was more two quirks in one, he had the natural ability to release pollutants, and part of my quirk now needs them to function."

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