Chapter 3: USJ incident

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Kikai P.O.V

It was the next day and I had made my way back to U.A. Sophia wanted to walk with some friends so I went ahead of her and instead of heading to class 1-A I had made my way to the support course where I would be spending all of today and the first half of tomorrow. It felt nice being around other inventors for once. As I walked in I saw students busy working away or decorating their area's I wander around till I find one with my name on it. It was empty and I smiled, I walked over and begin setting up my tools and work in progress projects. I sat down and began to toil away at the projects. The main one being an implant that at single voice command will begin to pump more and more electricity into my body to amp up my robotic body, increasing power, speed, firepower output, most everything. Next was finding a new material to mimic for more durability. The vanadium alloy isn't cutting it anymore. 

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't notice the teacher walk up behind me and when I was tapped on the shoulder I kind of jumped. Turning around I see a man in a yellow mechanical suit behind me.

Power Loader: "Hey there my name is Power Loader, I just wanted to stop by and commend you on your invention and return it. Honestly for how compact it is it's very useful. Researchers could use this device to keep machines from getting to cold in cold climates or overheating under immense stress. If you ever want to patent it, which I suggest, allow me to help."

Kikai: "Oh, well then I would love that, originally it was to combat my immense drawback, using to much of my quirk overheats me and it would allow me to convert that into an ice based attack or even like dry ice make a diversion"

Power loaded nodded his head and looked deep in thought, as if he was analyzing my everyone word. Before smiling and nodding his head

Power Loader: "I love that concept. Regardless I will get to work on getting a patent, just provide some blue prints and I will get that for you. Anyways given that Nezu has given the okay that you don't need academic courses, you can just spend your days in here whenever you have free time. I get that certain days you will be here or in the hero course fully, I just hope you choose to represent us during the sports festival!"

I gave him a nod and a smirk.

Kikai: "I'd love to, but I do actually have an issue with something. My quirk can turn into any kind of machinery I so desire and even combine, as simple as cogs and gears to as complex as a fusion reactor. However the metal is something I have to know the base atomic structure of. I've been using vanadium as it's been the most durable for me, but I need something better, more durable and light weight. If you don't mind helping me out I'd appreciate it."

Power Loader: "Of course, I will get to searching right away. But go ahead and continue on your work. I look forward to seeing more of your work."

I put my welding mask back down and began to continue on my project, I had finally gotten close to creating a small reactor that was capable of producing large amounts of energy, harnessing pure lightning. I would need to conjure some to charge it but I should be able to utilize it fully, putting my max output near 20x of what im capable of. And the Heat dampener will allow me to recover without as much draw back and launch an ice based attack on a large scale! I just need to test it's limits and make some changes.

Back to being lost in my thought I let time slip through my hands. At the end of the day I had 4 more tools to integrate into my body, two of them being heat dampeners, one being the small reactor and one being a failsafe if I ever get into trouble. I walk towards the entrance and find Geto and Yuta chatting with Kirishima, Jiro, Mina, and Kamanari.

Geto: "Ah and speak of the devil!"

Kikai: "Yo Geto. I got more stuff for you to store."

Geto rolled his eyes and smiled as the others looke confused at why their classmate is in school but wasn't in class.

Kirishima: "Yo Kikai! Where have you been? We missed you! And you missed a cool training exercise! Also a bunch of school work!"

Mina: "Were you skipping!"

I let a small smirk grow onto my face

Kikai: "Nah, I just enrolled in the support course and will be spending my free time there. As for the academic classes, geto and Yuta can confirm I literally am to smart for them. As a byproduct of my quirk, my brain is effectively always a super computer, meaning I can access the internet with a simple thought and be able to get any information I want, as well as process things at a faster rate. Actually that is something I can do, I can give more power to my brain and pretty much perceive what you see faster. a minute to you can be an hour for me type situation."

Kirishima, Mina, Jirou, and Kamanari were all stunned- I mean I couldn't blame them, they just heard me ramble on about how I don't have to do their work. Just then mina starts digging into her bag.

Mina: "Oh yeah! Aizawa told me to give this to you!"

She took out a new gym uniform and handed it over.

Mina: "Since yours got destroyed. Anyways we were talking about going to go hang out at the mall- Wanna come with?"

Kikai: "I'd love to but I have to walk Sophia Home."

Yuta: "Oh Um- about that. Sophia walked home with molly- she said she wanted you to hang out with u-" 

Geto's P.O.V

as yuta was about to finish his sentence I quickly summon a group of large hands and slam Kikai into the ground as she had activated her quirk and was about to fly off.

Geto: "Relax Ki, she is safe- she said she wanted you to have fun and to not worry about her. You're the younger sister so you don't need to protect her all the time. She feels like you are breathing down her neck."

Ki struggled more and more until she gave up and I took my arms back and she stood back up looking worried.

Ki: "Fine, but if she isn't okay when I get back there Geto I am ending you."

I sighed before rubbing the back of my neck

Geto: "Fine you buzzkill, lets get going before we get in trouble."

We all headed out as I took Ki's new toys and placed them in my shadow as they sunk in, the students looking amazed.

Jirou: "So your shadows can store stuff too? Thats so cool!"

Geto: "Yeah, it's like a small pocket dimension, I keep the creatures I control in orbs and I summon them using my energy. I can keep one out for awhile or a bunch out for a short time, also depending on their strength and mass it can factor in."

Jirou looked amazed as I smiled. I turned to kikai and saw her mouth was full of like- 8 cigarettes and  she looked to be antsy. The smoke drew the attention of kamanari.

Kamanari: "Yo Kikai- Like why are you smoking? Especially so many?"

Ki took out the cigarettes and exhaled a large plume of smoke before turning to the blonde boy.

Ki: "I need it for my quirk- my dad had something to do with pollution and now one of the requirements to activate my quirk is to have some sort of harmful pollutant in my system to act as an ignition. It really doesn't make much sense but I know if I don't consume stuff like that I get sick and could die. I don't wanna drink oil or be exposed to radiation, so I smoke. The smoke we exhale is harmful but one isn't enough, usually I need to constantly smoke to keep up a supply to start my quirk multiple times if it makes sense."

Kirishima: "Wow, thats kind a gross but also you look like a total boss with your scar and cigarette! I mean looking at Geto you two kinda look like you are going to mug someone."

I let out a laugh as side glance at Ki before slouching back down and shoving my hands into my pockets.

Geto: "Hear that Ki? Us Hero's in the making are a couple of street thugs."

She rolls her eyes but we all have a great laugh as we make our way to the mall. From there we go from store to store, first to a clothing store for boys where Me, Yuta, Kirishima, and Kamanari were browsing, making the girls laugh with our crazy outfit choices, kamanari trying to make himself look like a thug but only results in him looking like a leather jock.

Kamanri: "Atleast I don't wear parachute pants, what are you, a dinosaur?"

I stare at him and growl as I stomp over.

Geto: "You insulting my style sparky?" 

I geto right up into his face until mina starts laughing in hysteria

Mina: "Oh my god you so look like a thug! Kirishima was right!"

Yuta: "it's kind of his style, well that and looking like a religious zealot in his kimono"

Jirou: "OH yeah! What was that ugly thing at hero practice today"

KI: "Geto you didn't make it your hero costume did you?"

Ki looked at me with a disappointed look before I got red in the face and clenched my fists in anger.

Geto: "It's family heirloom! I want to make my ancestors proud while honoring them! Don't laugh at it!"

The girls only laughed more while kirishima and Yuta consoled me.

Kirishima: "I think it's super manly what you are going for Geto! Don't let them tease you!"

Yuta: "Yeah! I always liked it, plus it's better than mine."

Geto: "Yeah I guess so- Well I think we are done in this store, lets move on!"

We move onto the girls choice which was also a clothing store, Jirou and Mina went crazy shopping but Ki didn't join them which disappointed mina.

Mina: "Come on girl! Shop with us!"

Ki: "No"

Mina: "why!"

Ki: "Because"

Geto: "it's because she is a dork who likes other things then clothes."

Ki: "Says the man who runs into danger for peoples quirk creatures!"

Jirou: "Wait- you actually do that?"

Geto: "It's how I geto most of my creatures- I can't summon all of them- but since we are just outting people, who's the one who can't swim without floa-" 

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